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tab Functions for Creating Summary Tables for Statistical Reports
taber Split and Recombine Your Data
tablaxlsx Write Formatted Tables in Excel Workbooks
Table1Heatmap Table 1 Heatmap
table1xls Produces Summary Tables and Exports Them to Multi-Tab Spreadsheet Format (.xls or .xlsx)
tableHTML A Tool to Create HTML Tables
TableMonster Table Monster
tableone Create "Table 1" to Describe Baseline Characteristics
tableplot Represents tables as semi-graphic displays
tables Formula-driven table generation
TableToLongForm TableToLongForm
tabplot Tableplot, a Visualization of Large Datasets
tabplotd3 Tabplotd3, interactive inspection of large data
tabuSearch R based tabu search algorithm
tadaatoolbox Helpers for Data Analysis and Presentation Focused on Undergrad Psychology
tagcloud Tag Clouds
tailDepFun Minimum Distance Estimation of Tail Dependence Models
tailloss Estimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution
TAM Test Analysis Modules
TanB The TanB Distribution
TANDEM A Two-Stage Approach to Maximize Interpretability of Drug Response Models Based on Multiple Molecular Data Types
TANOVA Time Course Analysis of Variance for Microarray
TaoTeProgramming Illustrations from Tao Te Programming
TapeR Flexible Tree Taper Curves Based on Semiparametric Mixed Models
TAQMNGR Manage Tick-by-Tick Transaction Data
Tariff Replicate Tariff Method for Verbal Autopsy
taRifx Collection of utility and convenience functions
tau Text Analysis Utilities
TauP.R Earthquake Traveltime Calculations for 1-D Earth Models
TauStar Efficient Computation and Testing of the Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance
tawny Clean Covariance Matrices Using Random Matrix Theory and Shrinkage Estimators for Portfolio Optimization
tawny.types Common types for tawny
taxize Taxonomic Information from Around the Web
Taxonstand Taxonomic Standardization of Plant Species Names
tbart Teitz and Bart's p-Median Algorithm
tbdiag Functions for tuberculosis diagnostics research
TBEST Tree Branches Evaluated Statistically for Tightness
TBSSurvival Survival Analysis using a Transform-Both-Sides model
TCGA2STAT Simple TCGA Data Access for Integrated Statistical Analysis in R
TCGAretriever Retrieve Genomic and Clinical Data from TCGA
TcGSA Time-Course Gene Set Analysis
tcgsaseq Time-Course Gene Set Analysis for RNA-Seq Data
tcltk2 Tcl/Tk Additions
tclust Robust Trimmed Clustering
tcpl ToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline
tcR Advanced Data Analysis of Immune Receptor Repertoires
TDA Statistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
TDAmapper Analyze High-Dimensional Data Using Discrete Morse Theory
TDboost A Boosted Tweedie Compound Poisson Model
TDCor Gene Network Inference from Time-Series Transcriptomic Data
TDD Time-Domain Deconvolution of Seismometer Response
TDMR Tuned Data Mining in R
tdr Target Diagram
tdROC Nonparametric Estimation of Time-Dependent ROC Curve from Right Censored Survival Data
tdthap TDT tests for extended haplotypes
TeachingDemos Demonstrations for Teaching and Learning
TeachingSampling Selection of Samples and Parameter Estimation in Finite Population
TeachNet Fits neural networks to learn about back propagation
TED Turbulence Time Series Event Detection and Classification
TEEReg Trimmed Elemental Estimation for Linear Models
teigen Model-Based Clustering and Classification with the Multivariate t Distribution
telegram R Wrapper Around the Telegram Bot API
TELP Social Representation Theory Application: The Free Evocation of Words Technique
tempcyclesdata Climate Data from Wang and Dillon
tempdisagg Methods for Temporal Disaggregation and Interpolation of Time Series
tempR Temporal Sensory Data Analysis
tensor Tensor product of arrays
tensorA Advanced tensors arithmetic with named indices
tensorBSS Blind Source Separation Methods for Tensor-Valued Observations
tensr Covariance Inference and Decompositions for Tensor Datasets
TEQR Target Equivalence Range Design
TERAplusB Test for A+B Traditional Escalation Rule
tergm Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
termstrc Zero-coupon Yield Curve Estimation
ternvis Visualisation, verification and calibration of ternary probabilistic forecasts
TESS Diversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation of Reconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-Wide Time-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes Including Mass-Extinction Events
tester Tests and checks characteristics of R objects
TestingSimilarity Bootstrap Test for Similarity of Dose Response Curves Concerning the Maximum Absolute Deviation
testit A Simple Package for Testing R Packages
TestScorer GUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and Transformed Scores
TestSurvRec Statistical tests to compare two survival curves with recurrent events
testthat Unit Testing for R
texmex Statistical modelling of extreme values
texmexseq Treatment Effect eXplorer for Microbial Ecology eXperiments (using Sequence Counts)
TExPosition Two-table ExPosition
texreg Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
text2vec Fast Text Mining Framework for Vectorization and Word Embeddings
textcat N-Gram Based Text Categorization
textir Inverse Regression for Text Analysis
textmineR Functions for Text Mining and Topic Modeling
textometry Textual Data Analysis Package used by the TXM Software
textreg n-Gram Text Regression, aka Concise Comparative Summarization
textreuse Detect Text Reuse and Document Similarity
TFDEA Technology Forecasting using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)
tfer Forensic Glass Transfer Probabilities
TFMPvalue Efficient and Accurate P-Value Computation for Position Weight Matrices
tfplot Time Frame User Utilities
tframe Time Frame Coding Kernel
tframePlus Time Frame Coding Kernel Extensions
TFX R API to TrueFX(tm)
tgcd Thermoluminescence Glow Curve Deconvolution
tggd The Standard Distribution Functions for the Truncated Generalised Gamma Distribution
tglm Binary Regressions under Independent Student-t Priors
tgp Bayesian Treed Gaussian Process Models
tgram Functions to compute and plot tracheidograms
TH.data TH's Data Archive
Thermimage Thermal Image Analysis
thermocouple Temperature Measurement with Thermocouples, RTD and IC Sensors
thgenetics Genetic Rare Variants Tests
Thinknum Thinknum Data Connection
ThreeArmedTrials Design and Analysis of Clinical Non-Inferiority or Superiority Trials with Active and Placebo Control
threeboost Thresholded variable selection and prediction based on estimating equations
ThreeGroups ML Estimator for Baseline-Placebo-Treatment (Three-Group) Experiments
threejs Interactive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
ThreeWay Three-Way Component Analysis
threewords Represent Precise Coordinates in Three Words
threg Threshold Regression
thregI Threshold Regression for Interval-Censored Data with Cure-Rate or without Cure-Rate Model
ThresholdROC Threshold Estimation
thsls Three-Stage Least Squares Estimation for Systems of Simultaneous Equations
tibble Simple Data Frames
tibbrConnector R interface to tibbr
TickExec Execution Functions for Tick Data Back Test
tictoc Functions for timing R scripts, as well as implementations of Stack and List structures
TiddlyWikiR Create dynamic reports using a TiddlyWiki template
TideCurves Analysis and Prediction of Tides
TideHarmonics Harmonic Analysis of Tides
Tides Quasi-Periodic Time Series Characteristics
TideTables Tide Analysis and Prediction of Predominantly Semi-Diurnal Tides
tidyjson A Grammar for Turning 'JSON' into Tidy Tables
tidyr Easily Tidy Data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' Functions
tidytext Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools
tiff Read and write TIFF images
tiger TIme series of Grouped ERrors
tigerhitteR Pre-Process of Time Series Data Set in R
tigerstats R Functions for Elementary Statistics
tigger R Tools for Inferring New Immunoglobulin Alleles from Rep-Seq Data
tightClust Tight Clustering
tigris Load Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles into R
tikzDevice R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
tileHMM Hidden Markov Models for ChIP-on-Chip Analysis
TilePlot Characterization of functional genes in complex microbial communities using tiling DNA microarrays
tilting Variable Selection via Tilted Correlation Screening Algorithm
timeDate Rmetrics - Chronological and Calendar Objects
timedelay Time Delay Estimation for Stochastic Time Series of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars
timeit Easy profiling of R functions
timeline Timelines for a Grammar of Graphics
TimeMachine Time Machine
timeordered Time-ordered and time-aggregated network analyses
TimeProjection Time Projections
timereg Flexible Regression Models for Survival Data
timeROC Time-Dependent ROC Curve and AUC for Censored Survival Data
timesboot Bootstrap computations for time series objects
timeSeq Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Time Course RNA-Seq Data
timeSeries Rmetrics - Financial Time Series Objects
timeseriesdb Manage Time Series with R and PostgreSQL
timetools Seasonal/Sequential (Instants/Durations, Even or not) Time Series
timetree Interface to the TimeTree of Life Webpage
timevis Create Interactive Timeline Visualizations in R
TimeWarp Date Calculations and Manipulation
timma Target Inhibition Interaction using Maximization and Minimization Averaging
TIMP Fitting Separable Nonlinear Models in Spectroscopy and Microscopy
timsac TIMe Series Analysis and Control package
Tinflex Tinflex - Universal Non-Uniform Random Number Generator
TInPosition Inference tests for TExPosition
TipDatingBeast Using Tip Dates with Phylogenetic Trees in BEAST (Software for Phylogenetic Analysis)
tipom Automated measure-based classification for flint tools
TippingPoint Enhanced Tipping Point Displays the Results of Sensitivity Analyses for Missing Data
tis Time Indexes and Time Indexed Series
titan Titration analysis for mass spectrometry data
TITAN2 Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis
titanic Titanic Passenger Survival Data Set
titrationCurves Acid/Base, Complexation, Redox, and Precipitation Titration Curves
TKF Pairwise Distance Estimation with TKF91 and TKF92 Model
tkrgl TK widget tools for rgl package
tkrplot TK Rplot
TLBC Two-Level Behavior Classification
TLdating Tools for Thermoluminescences Dating
tlemix Trimmed Maximum Likelihood Estimation
tlm Effects under Linear, Logistic and Poisson Regression Models with Transformed Variables
tlmec Linear Student-t Mixed-Effects Models with Censored Data
tlnise Two-level normal independent sampling estimation
tm Text Mining Package
tmap Thematic Maps
TMB Template Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by ADMB
TMDb Access to TMDb API - Apiary
tmg Truncated Multivariate Gaussian Sampling
Tmisc Turner Miscellaneous
tmle Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
tmlenet Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Network Data
tmle.npvi Targeted Learning of a NP Importance of a Continuous Exposure
tmod Feature Set Enrichment Analysis for Metabolomics and Transcriptomics
tm.plugin.alceste Import texts from files in the Alceste format using the tm text mining framework
tm.plugin.dc Text Mining Distributed Corpus Plug-In
tm.plugin.europresse Import Articles from 'Europresse' Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.factiva Import articles from Factiva using the tm text mining framework
tm.plugin.lexisnexis Import Articles from 'LexisNexis' Using the 'tm' Text Mining Framework
tm.plugin.mail Text Mining E-Mail Plug-In
tm.plugin.webmining Retrieve Structured, Textual Data from Various Web Sources
tmpm Trauma Mortality Prediction Model
tmvnsim Truncated Multivariate Normal Simulation
tmvtnorm Truncated Multivariate Normal and Student t Distribution
tnam Temporal Network Autocorrelation Models (TNAM)
tnet Software for Analysis of Weighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks
toaster Big Data in-Database Analytics with Teradata Aster
TOC Total Operating Characteristic Curve and ROC Curve
tokenizers Tokenize Text
tolBasis Fundamental Definitions and Utilities of the Time Oriented Language (TOL)
tolerance Functions for Calculating Tolerance Intervals
toOrdinal Function for Converting Cardinal to Ordinal Numbers by Adding a Language Specific Ordinal Indicator to the Number
topicmodels Topic Models
TopKLists Inference, Aggregation and Visualization for Top-K Ranked Lists
topmodel Implementation of the hydrological model TOPMODEL in R
topologyGSA Gene Set Analysis Exploiting Pathway Topology
topsis TOPSIS method for multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM)
tosls Instrumental Variables Two Stage Least Squares estimation
TotalCopheneticIndex Total Cophenetic Index
tourr Implement Tour Methods in R Code
tourrGui A Tour GUI using gWidgets
toxtestD Experimental design for binary toxicity tests
tpe Tree preserving embedding
TP.idm Estimation of Transition Probabilities for the Illness-Death Model
TPmsm Estimation of Transition Probabilities in Multistate Models
tpr Temporal Process Regression
TR8 A Tool for Downloading Functional Traits Data for Plant Species
tracheideR Standardize Tracheidograms
track Store Objects on Disk Automatically
trackeR Infrastructure for Running and Cycling Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices
TrackReconstruction Reconstruct animal tracks from magnetometer, accelerometer, depth and optional speed data
tractor.base Read, Manipulate and Visualise Magnetic Resonance Images
TRADER Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R
traitr An interface for creating GUIs modeled in part after traits UI module for python
traits Species Trait Data from Around the Web
Traitspace A Predictive Model for Trait Based Community Assembly of Plant Species
traj Trajectory Analysis
trajectories Classes and Methods for Trajectory Data
TraMineR Trajectory Miner: a Toolbox for Exploring and Rendering Sequences
TraMineRextras TraMineR Extension
TRAMPR 'TRFLP' Analysis and Matching Package for R
transcribeR Automated Transcription of Audio Files Through the HP IDOL API
TransferEntropy The Transfer Entropy Package
translate Bindings for the Google Translate API v2
translateR Bindings for the Google and Microsoft Translation APIs
translateSPSS2R Toolset for Translating SPSS-Syntax to R-Code
translation.ko R Manuals Literally Translated in Korean
TransModel Fit Linear Transformation Models for Censored Data
TransP Implementation of Transportation Problem Algorithms
transport Optimal Transport in Various Forms
tranSurv Estimating a Survival Distribution in the Presence of Dependent Left Truncation and Right Censoring
trapezoid The Trapezoidal Distribution
TRD Transmission Ratio Distortion
TreatmentSelection Evaluate Treatment Selection Biomarkers
treatSens Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inference
tree Classification and Regression Trees
treebase Discovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies
treeclim Numerical Calibration of Proxy-Climate Relationships
treeClust Cluster Distances Through Trees
treecm Centre of Mass Assessment and Consolidation of Trees
treeHFM Hidden Factor Graph Models
treelet An Adaptive Multi-Scale Basis for High-Dimensional, Sparse and Unordered Data
treeman Phylogenetic Tree Manipulation Class and Methods
treemap Treemap Visualization
TreePar Estimating birth and death rates based on phylogenies
treeperm Exact and Asymptotic K Sample Permutation Test
treeplyr 'dplyr' Functionality for Matched Tree and Data Objects
treescape Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
TreeSim Simulating Phylogenetic Trees
TreeSimGM Simulating Phylogenetic Trees under a General Model
treethresh Methods for Tree-Based Local Adaptive Thresholding
trelliscope Create and Navigate Large Multi-Panel Visual Displays
trend Non-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point Detection
TrendInTrend Odds Ratio Estimation for the Trend in Tend Model
TrialSize R functions in Chapter 3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15
triangle Provides the Standard Distribution Functions for the Triangle Distribution
trib Analysing and Visualizing Tribology Measurements
triebeard 'Radix' Trees in 'Rcpp'
trifield Some basic facilities for ternary fields and plots
TriMatch Propensity Score Matching of Non-Binary Treatments
trimcluster Cluster analysis with trimming
trimr An Implementation of Common Response Time Trimming Methods
trimTrees Trimmed opinion pools of trees in a random forest
trioGxE A data smoothing approach to explore and test gene-environment interaction in case-parent trio data
trip Tools for the Analysis of Animal Track Data
tripack Triangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data
tripEstimation Metropolis Sampler and Supporting Functions for Estimating Animal Movement from Archival Tags and Satellite Fixes
TripleR Social Relation Model (SRM) Analyses for Single or Multiple Groups
TROM Transcriptome Overlap Measure
TropFishR Tropical Fisheries Analysis with R
trotter Pseudo-Vectors Containing All Permutations, Combinations and Subsets of Objects Taken from a Vector
TRSbook Functions and Datasets to Accompany the Book "The R Software: Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis"
trueskill Implementation the TrueSkill algorithm in R
TruncatedNormal Truncated Multivariate Normal
truncdist Truncated Random Variables
truncgof GoF tests allowing for left truncated data
truncnorm Truncated normal distribution
truncreg Truncated Gaussian Regression Models
truncSP Semi-parametric estimators of truncated regression models
trust Trust Region Optimization
trustOptim Trust Region Optimization for Nonlinear Functions with Sparse Hessians
TSA Time Series Analysis
tsallisqexp Tsallis q-Exp Distribution
tsbridge Calculate normalising constants for Bayesian time series models
tsBSS Tools for Blind Source Separation for Time Series
tsbugs Create time series BUGS models
tsc Likelihood-ratio Tests for Two-Sample Comparisons
TSclust Time Series Clustering Utilities
TScompare 'TSdbi' Database Comparison
tscount Analysis of Count Time Series
TSdata 'TSdbi' Illustration
TSdbi Time Series Database Interface
TSdist Distance Measures for Time Series Data
tsDyn Nonlinear Time Series Models with Regime Switching
tseries Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance
tseriesChaos Analysis of nonlinear time series
tseriesEntropy Entropy Based Analysis and Tests for Time Series
tsfa Time Series Factor Analysis
TSfame 'TSdbi' Extensions for Fame
TSHRC Two Stage Hazard Rate Comparison
tsintermittent Intermittent Time Series Forecasting
TSMining Mining Univariate and Multivariate Motifs in Time-Series Data
TSmisc 'TSdbi' Extensions to Wrap Miscellaneous Data Sources
tsModel Time Series Modeling for Air Pollution and Health
TSMySQL 'TSdbi' Extensions for 'MySQL'
tsna Tools for Temporal Social Network Analysis
tsne T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for R (t-SNE)
TSodbc 'TSdbi' Extensions for ODBC
tsoutliers Detection of Outliers in Time Series
TSP Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
Tsphere Transposable Sphering for Large-Scale Inference with Correlated Data
tsPI Improved Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Processes and Structural Time Series
tspmeta Instance Feature Calculation and Evolutionary Instance Generation for the Traveling Salesman Problem
TSPostgreSQL 'TSdbi' Extensions for 'PostgreSQL'
TSPred Functions for Baseline-Based Time Series Prediction
TSsdmx 'TSdbi' Extension to Connect with 'SDMX'
TSsql Generic SQL Helper Functions for 'TSdbi' SQL Plugins
TSSQLite 'TSdbi' Extensions for 'SQLite'
TSTr Ternary Search Tree for Auto-Completion and Spell Checking
TSTutorial Fitting and Predict Time Series Interactive Laboratory
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis Temporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface
ttbbeer US Beer Statistics from TTB
TTCA Transcript Time Course Analysis
tth TeX to HTML/MathML Translators tth/ttm
TTmoment Sampling and Calculating the First and Second Moments for the Doubly Truncated Multivariate t Distribution
TTR Technical Trading Rules
TTS Master Curve Estimates Corresponding to Time-Temperature Superposition
ttScreening Genome-wide DNA methylation sites screening by use of training and testing samples
tttplot Time to Target Plot
ttutils Utility functions
ttwa Travel To Work Area
tuber Client for the YouTube API
tufte Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
tufterhandout Tufte-style html document format for rmarkdown
TukeyC Conventional Tukey Test
tumblR Access to Tumblr v2 API
tumgr Tumor Growth Rate Analysis
TunePareto Multi-objective parameter tuning for classifiers
tuneR Analysis of music and speech
tuple Find every match, or orphan, duplicate, triplicate, or other replicated values
turboEM A Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and other fixed-point algorithms
turfR TURF Analysis for R
turner Turn vectors and lists of vectors into indexed structures
TurtleGraphics Turtle graphics in R
tutorial Convert R Markdown Files to DataCamp Light HTML Files
TUWmodel Lumped Hydrological Model for Education Purposes
tvd Total Variation Denoising
tvm Time Value of Money Functions
twang Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups
tweedie Tweedie exponential family models
tweenr Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
tweet2r Twitter Collector for R and Export to 'SQLite', 'postGIS' and 'GIS' Format
twiddler Interactive manipulation of R expressions
twitteR R Based Twitter Client
TwoCop Nonparametric test of equality between two copulas
TwoPhaseInd Estimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting Randomization
twoStageGwasPower Compute thresholds and power for two-stage gwas
twostageTE Two-Stage Threshold Estimation
TwoStepCLogit Conditional Logistic Regression: A Two-Step Estimation Method
txtplot Text based plots