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oaColors OpenAnalytics Colors Package
oai General Purpose 'Oai-PMH' Services Client
OAIHarvester Harvest Metadata Using OAI-PMH v2.0
oapackage Orthogonal Array Package
oaPlots OpenAnalytics Plots Package
Oarray Arrays with arbitrary offsets
oasis Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
OasisR Outright Tool for the Analysis of Spatial Inequalities and Segregation
oaxaca Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition
obAnalytics Limit Order Book Analytics
objectProperties A factory of self-describing properties
objectSignals objectSignals
obliclus Cluster-based factor rotation
obliqueRF Oblique Random Forests from Recursive Linear Model Splits
oblique.tree Oblique Trees for Classification Data
obs.agree An R package to assess agreement between observers
OBsMD Objective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up Designs
obsSens Sensitivity analysis for Observational studies
oc OC Roll Call Analysis Software
occ Estimates PET neuroreceptor occupancies
oce Analysis of Oceanographic Data
ocean Biophysical Oceanography Tools
OceanView Visualisation of Oceanographic Data and Model Output
ocedata Oceanographic Datasets for Oce
ocomposition Regression for Rank-Indexed Compositional Data
OData R Helper for OData Web Services
ODB Open Document Databases (.odb) management
odds.converter Betting Odds Conversion
odeintr C++ ODE Solvers Compiled on-Demand
odfWeave Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files
odfWeave.survey Support for odfWeave on the survey package
ODMconverter Tools to Convert ODM Files
oec The Observatory of Economic Complexity
OECD Search and Extract Data from the OECD
oem Orthogonalizing Expectation maximization
oglmx Estimation of Ordered Generalized Linear Models
Ohmage R Client for Ohmage 2 server
OIdata Data sets and supplements (OpenIntro)
OIsurv Survival analysis supplement to OpenIntro guide
OjaNP Multivariate Methods Based on the Oja Median and Related Concepts
okmesonet Retrieve Oklahoma Mesonet climatological data
olctools Open Location Code Handling in R
OligoSpecificitySystem Oligo Specificity System
OLScurve OLS growth curve trajectories
omd filter the molecular descriptors for QSAR
OmicKriging Poly-Omic Prediction of Complex TRaits
omics '–omics' Data Analysis Toolbox
oncomodel Maximum likelihood tree models for oncogenesis
Oncotree Estimating oncogenetic trees
OneArmPhaseTwoStudy Planing, Monitoring and Evaluating Oncological Phase 2 Studies
onemap Software for constructing genetic maps in experimental crosses: full-sib, RILs, F2 and backcrosses
OneR One Rule Machine Learning Classification Algorithm with Enhancements
ONETr Efficient Authenticated Interaction with the O*NET API
OneTwoSamples Deal with one and two (normal) samples
onewaytests One-Way Independent Groups Design
onion octonions and quaternions
onlinePCA Online Principal Component Analysis
onls Orthogonal Nonlinear Least-Squares Regression
ontologyIndex Functions for Reading Ontologies into R
ontologyPlot Functions for Visualising Sets of Ontological Terms
ontologySimilarity Functions for Calculating Ontological Similarities
OOmisc Ozgur-Ozlem Miscellaneous
OpasnetUtils Opasnet Modelling Environment Utility Functions
OPDOE OPtimal Design Of Experiments
opefimor Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models in R
openair Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data
opencage Interface to the OpenCage API
OpenCL Interface allowing R to use OpenCL
opencpu Embedded Scientific Computing and Reproducible Research with R
OpenImageR An Image Processing Toolkit
openintro OpenIntro data sets and supplemental functions
OpenMPController Control number of OpenMP threads dynamically
OpenMx Extended Structural Equation Modelling
openNLP Apache OpenNLP Tools Interface
openNLPdata Apache OpenNLP Jars and Basic English Language Models
OpenRepGrid Tools to analyse repertory grid data
openssl Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL
OpenStreetMap Access to Open Street Map Raster Images
opentraj Tools for Creating and Analysing Air Trajectory Data
openVA Automated Method for Verbal Autopsy
openxlsx Read, Write and Edit XLSX Files
operators Additional Binary Operators
operator.tools Utilities for Working with R's Operators
OPI Open Perimetry Interface
ops Optimal Power Space Transformation
optAUC Optimal Combinations of Diagnostic Tests Based on AUC
optBiomarker Estimation of optimal number of biomarkers for two-group microarray based classifications at a given error tolerance level for various classification rules
optCluster Determine Optimal Clustering Algorithm and Number of Clusters
optDesignSlopeInt Optimal Designs for Estimating the Slope Divided by the Intercept
optextras Tools to Support Optimization Methods
OptGS Near-Optimal and Balanced Group-Sequential Designs for Clinical Trials with Continuous Outcomes
OptHedging Estimation of value and hedging strategy of call and put options
optifunset Set Options if Unset
optigrab Command-Line Parsing for an R World
OptimalCutpoints Computing optimal cutpoints in diagnostic tests
OptimaRegion Confidence Regions for Optima
optimbase R port of the Scilab optimbase module
optimsimplex R port of the Scilab optimsimplex module
optimx A Replacement and Extension of the optim() Function
OptInterim Optimal Two and Three Stage Designs for Single-Arm and Two-Arm Randomized Controlled Trials with a Long-Term Binary Endpoint
OptionPricing Option Pricing with Efficient Simulation Algorithms
OptiQuantR Simplifies and Automates Analyzing and Reporting OptiQuant's log Data
optiRum Financial Functions & More
optiscale Optimal scaling
optiSel Optimum Contribution Selection and Pedigree Analysis
optismixture Optimal Mixture Weights in Multiple Importance Sampling
optmatch Functions for Optimal Matching
optparse Command Line Option Parser
optpart Optimal Partitioning of Similarity Relations
optR Optimization Toolbox for solving linear systems
optrees Optimal Trees in Weighted Graphs
ora Convenient Tools for Working with Oracle Databases
orca Computation of Graphlet Orbit Counts in Sparse Graphs
ORCI Several confidence intervals for the odds ratio
orclus ORCLUS subspace clustering
ORCME Order Restricted Clustering for Microarray Experiments
orcutt Estimate procedure in case of first order autocorrelation
ordBTL Modelling comparison data with ordinal response
orddom Ordinal Dominance Statistics
ORDER2PARENT Estimate parent distributions with data of several order statistics
orderbook Orderbook visualization/Charting software
orderedLasso Ordered Lasso and Time-lag Sparse Regression
OrdFacReg Least Squares, Logistic, and Cox-Regression with Ordered Predictors
ordiBreadth Ordinated Diet Breadth
ordinal Regression Models for Ordinal Data
ordinalCont Ordinal Regression Analysis for Continuous Scales
ordinalgmifs Ordinal Regression for High-dimensional Data
OrdinalLogisticBiplot Biplot representations of ordinal variables
ordinalNet Penalized Ordinal Regression
OrdLogReg Ordinal Logic Regression
OrdMonReg Compute least squares estimates of one bounded or two ordered isotonic regression curves
OrdNor Concurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
ordPens Selection and/or Smoothing of Ordinal Predictors
ore An R Interface to the Oniguruma Regular Expression Library
ores Connector to the Objective Revision Evaluation Service (ORES)
OrgMassSpecR Organic Mass Spectrometry
orgR Analyse Text Files Created by Emacs' Org mode
ORIClust Order-restricted Information Criterion-based Clustering Algorithm
orientlib Support for orientation data
OriGen Fast Spatial Ancestry via Flexible Allele Frequency Surfaces
originr Fetch Species Origin Data from the Web
orloca The package deals with Operations Research LOCational Analysis models
orloca.es Spanish version of orloca package
oro.dicom Rigorous - DICOM Input / Output
oro.nifti Rigorous - NIfTI + ANALYZE + AFNI : Input / Output
oro.pet Rigorous - Positron Emission Tomography
orQA Order Restricted Assessment Of Microarray Titration Experiments
orsifronts Southern Ocean Frontal Distributions (Orsi)
orsk Converting Odds Ratio to Relative Risk in Cohort Studies with Partial Data Information
orthogonalsplinebasis Orthogonal B-Spline Basis Functions
OrthoPanels Dynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of Fixed Effects
orthopolynom Collection of functions for orthogonal and orthonormal polynomials
osc Orthodromic Spatial Clustering
osd Orthogonal Signal Deconvolution for Spectra Deconvolution in GC-MS and GCxGC-MS Data
osDesign Design and analysis of observational studies
osi Open Source Initiative API Connector
osmar OpenStreetMap and R
osmplotr Customisable Images of OpenStreetMap Data
osrm Interface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing Service OSRM
OTE Optimal Trees Ensembles for Regression, Classification and Class Membership Probability Estimation
OTRselect Variable Selection for Optimal Treatment Decision
OTUtable North Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions
ouch Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses
outbreaker Bayesian Reconstruction of Disease Outbreaks by Combining Epidemiologic and Genomic Data
OutbreakTools Basic Tools for the Analysis of Disease Outbreaks
OutlierDC Outlier Detection using quantile regression for Censored Data
OutlierDM Outlier Detection for Multi-replicated High-throughput Data
outliers Tests for outliers
OutrankingTools Functions for Solving Multiple-criteria Decision-making Problems
OUwie Analysis of Evolutionary Rates in an OU Framework
overlap Estimates of Coefficient of Overlapping for Animal Activity Patterns
overlapping Estimation of Overlapping in Empirical Distributions
OxyBS Processing of Oxy-Bisulfite Microarray Data
oz Plot the Australian Coastline and States