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P2C2M Posterior Predictive Checks of Coalescent Models
p2distance Welfare's Synthetic Indicator
p3state.msm Analyzing survival data
pa Performance Attribution for Equity Portfolios
PAactivPAL Summarize Daily Physical Activity from 'activPAL' Accelerometer Data
PabonLasso Pabon Lasso Graphs and Comparing Situations of a Unit in Two Different Times
PAC Partition-Assisted Clustering
PACBO Clustering Online Datasets
pacbpred PAC-Bayesian Estimation and Prediction in Sparse Additive Models
pack Convert values to/from raw vectors
packagetrackr Track R Package Downloads from RStudio's CRAN Mirror
packcircles Circle Packing
packClassic Toy example of Pack Classic
packHV A few Useful Functions for Statisticians
packrat A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies
packS4 Toy Example of S4 Package
pacman Package Management Tool
paco Procrustes Application to Cophylogenetic Analysis
pact Predictive Analysis of Clinical Trials
PACVB Variational Bayes (VB) Approximation of Gibbs Posteriors with Hinge Losses
Pade Padé Approximant Coefficients
paf Attributable Fraction Function for Censored Survival Data
PAFit Nonparametric Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Temporal Complex Networks
pagenum Put Page Numbers on Graphics
pageviews An API Client for Wikimedia Traffic Data
PAGI The package can identify the dysregulated KEGG pathways based on global influence from the internal effect of pathways and crosstalk between pathways
PAGWAS Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data
pairedCI Confidence intervals for the ratio of locations and for the ratio of scales of two paired samples
PairedData Paired Data Analysis
pairheatmap A tool for comparing heatmaps
pairsD3 D3 Scatterplot Matrices
PairViz Visualization using Eulerian tours and Hamiltonian decompositions
pairwise Rasch Model Parameters by Pairwise Algorithm
pairwiseCI Confidence Intervals for Two Sample Comparisons
palaeoSig Significance Tests for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions
paleobioDB Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database
paleofire Analysis of Charcoal Records from the Global Charcoal Database
paleoMAS Paleoecological Analysis
paleotree Paleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution
paleoTS Analyze Paleontological Time-Series
palettetown Use Pokemon Inspired Colour Palettes
palinsol Insolation for Palaeoclimate Studies
palr Colour Palettes for Data
pamctdp Principal Axes Methods for Contingency Tables with Partition Structures on Rows and Columns
pamm Power Analysis for Random Effects in Mixed Models
pampe Implementation of the Panel Data Approach Method for Program Evaluation
pamr Pam: prediction analysis for microarrays
pan Multiple Imputation for Multivariate Panel or Clustered Data
pAnalysis Benchmarking and Rescaling R2 using Noise Percentile Analysis
PANDA Preferential Attachment Based Common Neighbor Distribution Derived Functional Associations
pander An R Pandoc Writer
pandocfilters Pandoc Filters for R
panelaggregation Aggregate Longitudinal Survey Data
panelAR Estimation of Linear AR(1) Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Heteroskedasticity and/or Correlation
PanelCount Random Effects and/or Sample Selection Models for Panel Count Data
Paneldata Linear models for panel data
pangaear Client for the 'Pangaea' Database
PANICr PANIC Tests of Nonstationarity
papayar View Medical Research Images using the Papaya JavaScript Library
papeR A Toolbox for Writing Pretty Papers and Reports
ParallelForest Random Forest Classification with Parallel Computing
parallelize.dynamic Automate parallelization of function calls by means of dynamic code analysis
parallelMap Unified Interface to Parallelization Back-Ends
parallelMCMCcombine Methods for combining independent subset Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior samples to estimate a posterior density given the full data set
parallelML A Parallel-Voting Algorithm for many Classifiers
ParallelPC Paralellised Versions of Constraint Based Causal Discovery Algorithms
parallelSVM A Parallel-Voting Version of the Support-Vector-Machine Algorithm
ParallelTree Parallel Tree
paramGUI A Shiny GUI for some Parameter Estimation Examples
ParamHelpers Helpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning and Machine Learning
paramlink Parametric Linkage Analysis in R
params Simplify Parameters
paran Horn's Test of Principal Components/Factors
parboost Distributed Model-Based Boosting
parcor Regularized estimation of partial correlation matrices
ParDNAcopy Parallel implementation of the "segment" function of package "DNAcopy"
ParentOffspring Conduct the Parent-Offspring Test Using Monomorphic SNP Markers
ParetoPosStable Computing, Fitting and Validating the PPS Distribution
parfm Parametric Frailty Models
parfossil Parallelized functions for palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analysis
parma Portfolio Allocation and Risk Management Applications
parmigene Parallel Mutual Information estimation for Gene Network reconstruction
PARSE Model-Based Clustering with Regularization Methods for High-Dimensional Data
parsec Partial Orders in Socio-Economics
parsedate Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats
partDSA Partitioning Using Deletion, Substitution, and Addition Moves
partialAR Partial Autoregression
partialOR Partial Odds Ratio
partitionMap Partition Maps
partitionMetric Compute a distance metric between two partitions of a set
partitions Additive Partitions of Integers
partools Tools for the 'Parallel' Package
partsm Periodic Autoregressive Time Series Models
party A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
partykit A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
parviol Parviol
PAS Polygenic Analysis System (PAS)
Pasha Preprocessing of Aligned Sequences from HTS Analyses
pass Prediction and Stability Selection of Tuning Parameters
password Create Random Passwords
pastecs Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series
pastis Phylogenetic Assembly with Soft Taxonomic Inferences
PASWR2 Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition
patchDVI Package to Patch .dvi or .synctex Files
patchPlot Scatterplots of image patches
patchSynctex Communication Between Editor and Viewer for Literate Programs
PATHChange A Tool for Identification of Differentially Expressed Pathways using Multi-Statistic Comparison
pathClass Classification using biological pathways as prior knowledge
pathdiagram Basic functions for drawing path diagrams
pathmox Pathmox Approach of Segmentation Trees in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling
pathological Path Manipulation Utilities
PathSelectMP Backwards Variable Selection for Paths using M Plus
patPRO Visualizing Temporal Microbiome Data
PatternClass Class-focused pattern metric comparisons using simulation
pauwels2014 Bayesian Experimental Design for Systems Biology
pavo Perceptual Analysis, Visualization and Organization of Spectral Color Data in R
pawacc Physical activity with accelerometers
PAWL Implementation of the PAWL algorithm
pbapply Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
pbatR P2BAT
PBD Protracted Birth-Death Model of Diversification
pbdBASE Programming with Big Data – Base Wrappers for Distributed Matrices
pbdDEMO Programming with Big Data – Demonstrations and Examples Using 'pbdR' Packages
pbdDMAT Programming with Big Data – Distributed Matrix Methods
pbdMPI Programming with Big Data – Interface to MPI
pbdNCDF4 Programming with Big Data – Interface to Parallel Unidata NetCDF4 Format Data Files
pbdPROF Programming with Big Data — MPI Profiling Tools
pbdSLAP Programming with Big Data – Scalable Linear Algebra Packages
pbdZMQ Programming with Big Data – Interface to ZeroMQ
PBImisc A Set of Datasets Used in My Classes or in the Book 'Modele Liniowe i Mieszane w R, Wraz z Przykladami w Analizie Danych'
pbivnorm Vectorized Bivariate Normal CDF
pbkrtest Parametric Bootstrap and Kenward Roger Based Methods for Mixed Model Comparison
pbmcapply Tracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar
pbo Probability of Backtest Overfitting
pBrackets Plot Brackets
pbs Periodic B Splines
PBSadmb ADMB for R Using Scripts or GUI
PBSddesolve Solver for Delay Differential Equations
PBSmapping Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools
PBSmodelling GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data
pca3d Three Dimensional PCA Plots
PCA4TS Segmenting Multiple Time Series by Contemporaneous Linear Transformation
pcaBootPlot Create 2D Principal Component Plots with Bootstrapping
pcadapt Fast Principal Component Analysis for Outlier Detection
pcaL1 Three L1-Norm PCA Methods
pcalg Methods for Graphical Models and Causal Inference
PCAmixdata Multivariate Analysis of Mixed Data
pcaPP Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit
PCDSpline Semiparametric regression analysis of panel count data using monotone splines
pcev Principal Component of Explained Variance
pcg Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for solving Ax=b
PCGSE Principal Component Gene Set Enrichment
pch Piecewise Constant Hazards Models for Censored and Truncated Data
PCICt Implementation of POSIXct work-alike for 365 and 360 day calendars
pcIRT IRT Models for Polytomous and Continuous Item Responses
PCIT Partial Correlation Coefficient with Information Theory
pcnetmeta Patient-Centered Network Meta-Analysis
pco Panel Cointegration Tests
PCovR Principal Covariates Regression
PCPS Principal Coordinates of Phylogenetic Structure
pcrsim Simulation of the Forensic DNA Process
PCS Calculate the probability of correct selection (PCS)
pcse Panel-Corrected Standard Error Estimation in R
pdc Permutation Distribution Clustering
pdfCluster Cluster analysis via nonparametric density estimation
pdfetch Fetch Economic and Financial Time Series Data from Public Sources
pdftables Programmatic Conversion of PDF Tables
pdftools Extract Text and Data from PDF Documents
pdist Partitioned Distance Function
pdmod Proximal/distal modeling framework for Pavlovian conditioning phenomena
pdolsms Panel Dynamic OLS Estimation of Cointegrating Vectors
PDQutils PDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish Fisher Approximations
pdR Threshold Model and Unit Root Tests in Panel Data
PDSCE Positive definite sparse covariance estimators
Peacock.test Two and Three Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two-Sample Tests
peacots Periodogram Peaks in Correlated Time Series
peakPick Peak Picking Methods Inspired by Biological Data
Peaks Peaks
pear Package for Periodic Autoregression Analysis
pearson7 Maximum Likelihood Inference for the Pearson VII Distribution with Shape Parameter 3/2
PearsonDS Pearson Distribution System
PearsonICA Independent component analysis using score functions from the Pearson system
pec Prediction Error Curves for Risk Prediction Models in Survival Analysis
pedantics Functions to facilitate power and sensitivity analyses for genetic studies of natural populations
PedCNV An implementation for association analysis with CNV data
pedgene Gene-Level Statistics for Pedigree Data
pedigree Pedigree functions
pedigreemm Pedigree-based mixed-effects models
pedometrics Pedometric Tools and Techniques
pegas Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
PEIP Geophysical Inverse Theory and Optimization
PEMM A Penalized EM algorithm incorporating missing-data mechanism
pems.utils Portable Emissions (and Other Mobile) Measurement System Utilities
penalized L1 (Lasso and Fused Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) Penalized Estimation in GLMs and in the Cox Model
penalizedLDA Penalized Classification using Fisher's Linear Discriminant
penalizedSVM Feature Selection SVM using penalty functions
pencopula Flexible Copula Density Estimation with Penalized Hierarchical B-Splines
PenCoxFrail Regularization in Cox Frailty Models
pendensity Density Estimation with a Penalized Mixture Approach
penDvine Flexible Pair-Copula Estimation in D-Vines using Bivariate Penalized Splines
penMSM Estimating Regularized Multi-state Models Using L1 Penalties
pensim Simulation of high-dimensional data and parallelized repeated penalized regression
peperr Parallelised Estimation of Prediction Error
peplib Peptide Library Analysis Methods
PepPrep Insilico peptide mutation, digestion and homologous comparison
peptider Evaluation of Diversity in Nucleotide Libraries
Peptides Calculate Indices and Theoretical Properties of Protein Sequences
pequod Moderated Regression Package
perARMA Periodic Time Series Analysis
Perc Using Percolation and Conductance to Find Information Flow Certainty in a Direct Network
perccal Implementing Double Bootstrap Linear Regression Confidence Intervals Using the 'perc-cal' Method
PerFit Person Fit
PerfMeas PerfMeas: Performance Measures for ranking and classification tasks
PerformanceAnalytics Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis
performanceEstimation An Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of Predictive Models
pergola Toolbox for Polyploid Genetic Data
perm Exact or Asymptotic permutation tests
PermAlgo Permutational Algorithm to Simulate Survival Data
PerMallows Permutations and Mallows Distributions
permGPU Using GPUs in Statistical Genomics
permPATH Permutation Based Gene Expression Pathway Analysis
permubiome A Permutation Based Test for Biomarker Discovery in Microbiome Data
permutations Permutations of a Finite Set
permute Functions for Generating Restricted Permutations of Data
perry Resampling-based prediction error estimation for regression models
persiandictionary English to Persian dictionary
personograph Pictographic Representation of Treatment Effects
perspectev Permutation of Species During Turnover Events
perturb Tools for evaluating collinearity
pesticides Analysis of single serving and composite pesticide residue measurements
PET Simulation and Reconstruction of PET Images
pETM Penalized Exponential Tilt Model
pewdata Reproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center Datasets
pez Phylogenetics for the Environmental Sciences
pfa Estimates False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence
pgam Poisson-Gamma Additive Models
PGEE Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations in High-Dimension
PGICA Parallel Group ICA Algorithm
pgirmess Data Analysis in Ecology
pglm panel generalized linear model
pGLS Generalized Least Square in comparative Phylogenetics
PGM2 Recursive method for construction of nested resolvable designs and uniform designs associated
pGMGM Estimating Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models (GGM) in Penalized Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
pgmm Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture Models
pgnorm The p-Generalized Normal Distribution
pgraph Build Dependency Graphs using Projection
PGRdup Discover Probable Duplicates in Plant Genetic Resources Collections
pgs Precision of Geometric Sampling
ph2bayes Bayesian Single-Arm Phase II Designs
ph2bye Phase II Clinical Trial Design Using Bayesian Methods
phalen Phalen Algorithms and Functions
phangorn Phylogenetic Analysis in R
PharmacoGx Analysis of Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Data
PharmPow Pharmacometric Power calculations for mixed study designs
phaseR Phase Plane Analysis of One and Two Dimensional Autonomous ODE Systems
PhaseType Inference for Phase-type Distributions
phcfM Modelling anthropogenic deforestation
pheatmap Pretty Heatmaps
phenability Nonparametric Stability Analysis
phenex Auxiliary Functions for Phenological Data Analysis
PHENIX Phenotypic Integration Index
phenmod Auxiliary functions for phenological data processing, modelling and result handling
pheno Auxiliary functions for phenological data analysis
pheno2geno High-Throughput Generation of Genetic Markers and Maps from Molecular Phenotypes for Crosses Between Inbred Strains
phenology Tools to Manage a Parametric Function that Describes Phenology
PHeval Evaluation of the Proportional Hazards Assumption with a Standardized Score Process
phia Post-Hoc Interaction Analysis
phmm Proportional Hazards Mixed-effects Model (PHMM)
phonenumber Convert Letters to Numbers and Back as on a Telephone Keypad
phonics Phonetic Spelling Algorithms
phonR Tools for Phoneticians and Phonologists
phonTools Tools for Phonetic and Acoustic Analyses
photobiology 'Photobiological' Calculations
photobiologyInOut Read Spectral Data from Foreign Files
photobiologyWavebands Waveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR Radiation
phreeqc R Interface to Geochemical Modeling Software
phtt Panel Data Analysis with Heterogeneous Time Trends
PhViD PhViD: an R package for PharmacoVigilance signal Detection
Phxnlme Run Phoenix NLME and Perform Post-Processing
PhyActBedRest Marks periods of sleep in Actigraph accelerometer data
phyclust Phylogenetic Clustering (Phyloclustering)
phyext2 An Extension (for Package 'SigTree') of Some of the Classes in Package 'phylobase'
phylin Spatial Interpolation of Genetic Data
phylobase Base Package for Phylogenetic Structures and Comparative Data
phyloclim Integrating Phylogenetics and Climatic Niche Modeling
phylocurve Phylogenetic Comparative Methods for High-Dimensional Traits
PHYLOGR Functions for Phylogenetically Based Statistical Analyses
phyloland Modelling Competitive Exclusion and Limited Dispersal in a Statistical Phylogeographic Framework
phylolm Phylogenetic Linear Regression
PhyloMeasures Fast and Exact Algorithms for Computing Phylogenetic Biodiversity Measures
phylometrics Estimating Statistical Errors of Phylogenetic Metrics
phylosignal Exploring the Phylogenetic Signal in Continuous Traits
phylotools Phylogenetic tools for Eco-phylogenetics
phyloTop Calculating Topological Properties of Phylogenies
phyndr Matches Tip and Trait Data
phyreg Implements the Phylogenetic Regression of Grafen (1989)
PhysActBedRest Marks Periods of 'Bedrest' in Actigraph Accelerometer Data
PhysicalActivity Process Physical Activity Accelerometer Data
physiology Calculate Physiological Characteristics of Adults and Children
PhySortR A Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic Trees
phytools Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)
phytotools Phytoplankton Production Tools
pi0 Estimating the Proportion of True Null Hypotheses for FDR
picante R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology
picasso Pathwise Calibrated Sparse Shooting Algorithm
pid Process Improvement using Data
piecewiseSEM Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling
PIGE Self contained gene set analysis for gene- and pathway-environment interaction analysis
PIGShift Polygenic Inverse Gamma Shifts
Pijavski Global Univariate Minimization
pim Fit Probabilistic Index Models
pinfsc50 Sequence ("Fasta"), Annotation ("Gff") and Variants ("Vcf") for 17 Samples of "P. Infestans" and 1 "P. Mirabilis"
pingr Check If a Remote Computer is Up
pinnacle.API A Wrapper for the Pinnacle Sports API
pipe.design Dual-Agent Dose Escalation for Phase I Trials using the PIPE Design
pipeR Multi-Paradigm Pipeline Implementation
PIPS Predicted Interval Plots
pitchRx Tools for Harnessing 'MLBAM' 'Gameday' Data and Visualizing 'pitchfx'
PivotalR A Fast, Easy-to-use Tool for Manipulating Tables in Databases and A Wrapper of MADlib
pixiedust Tables so Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic
pixmap Bitmap Images (“Pixel Maps”)
PK Basic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics
pkgconfig Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
pkgcopier Copy Local R Packages to Another Environment
pkgKitten Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks
pkgmaker Package development utilities
PKgraph Model diagnostics for population pharmacokinetic models
PKI Public Key Infrastucture for R Based on the X.509 Standard
PKNCA Perform Pharmacokinetic Non-Compartmental Analysis
PKPDmodels Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models
PKreport A reporting pipeline for checking population pharmacokinetic model assumption
pks Probabilistic Knowledge Structures
pla Parallel Line Assays
plac A Pairwise Likelihood Augmented Cox Estimator for Left-Truncated Data
plan Tools for project planning
planar Multilayer Optics
planor Generation of Regular Factorial Designs
plantecophys Modelling and Analysis of Leaf Gas Exchange Data
plaqr Partially Linear Additive Quantile Regression
platetools Tools and Plots for Multi-Well Plates
PlayerRatings Dynamic Updating Methods for Player Ratings Estimation
playwith A GUI for interactive plots using GTK+
plfm Probabilistic Latent Feature Analysis
plfMA A GUI to View, Design and Export Various Graphs of Data
plgp Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes
PLIS Multiplicity control using Pooled LIS statistic
plm Linear Models for Panel Data
plmDE Additive partially linear models for differential gene expression analysis
plmm Partially Linear Mixed Effects Model
pln Polytomous logit-normit (graded logistic) model estimation
PLordprob Multivariate Ordered Probit Model via Pairwise Likelihood
plot3D Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data
plot3Drgl Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'
plotfunctions Various Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data and Analysis
plotGoogleMaps Plot Spatial or Spatio-Temporal Data Over Google Maps
plotKML Visualization of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Objects in Google Earth
plotly Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
plotMCMC MCMC Diagnostic Plots
plotMElm Plot Marginal Effects from Linear Models
plotmo Plot a Model's Response and Residuals
plotpc Plot Principal Component Histograms Around a Scatter Plot
PlotPrjNetworks Useful Networking Tools for Project Management
PlotRegionHighlighter Creates an envelope that surrounds a set of points plotted in a two dimensional space
plotrix Various Plotting Functions
plotROC Generate Useful ROC Curve Charts for Print and Interactive Use
plotSEMM Graphing Nonlinear Relations Among Latent Variables from Structural Equation Mixture Models
plRasch Log Linear by Linear Association models and Rasch family models by pseudolikelihood estimation
PLRModels Statistical inference in partial linear regression models
pls Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
PLSbiplot1 The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Biplot
plsdepot Partial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis Methods
plsdof Degrees of Freedom and Statistical Inference for Partial Least Squares Regression
plsgenomics PLS Analyses for Genomics
plspm Tools for Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM)
plspm.formula Formula Based PLS Path Modeling
plspolychaos Sensitivity Indexes from Polynomial Chaos Expansions and PLS
plsRbeta Partial Least Squares Regression for Beta Regression Models
plsRcox Partial Least Squares Regression for Cox Models and Related Techniques
plsRglm Partial Least Squares Regression for Generalized Linear Models
plsVarSel Variable Selection in Partial Least Squares
plugdensity Plug-in Kernel Density Estimation
plumber An API Generator for R
plumbr Mutable and dynamic data models
plus Penalized Linear Unbiased Selection
plusser A Google+ Interface for R
plyr Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
PMA Penalized Multivariate Analysis
pmc Phylogenetic Monte Carlo
pmcgd pmcgd
pmclust Parallel Model-Based Clustering using Expectation-Gathering-Maximization Algorithm for Finite Mixture Gaussian Model
PMCMR Calculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums
pmg Poor Man's GUI
pmhtutorial Minimal Working Examples for Particle Metropolis-Hastings
pMineR Processes Mining in Medicine
pmlr Penalized Multinomial Logistic Regression
pmml Generate PMML for Various Models
pmmlTransformations Transforms Input Data from a PMML Perspective
pmr Probability Models for Ranking Data
pnea Parametric Network Enrichment Analysis
pnf Prime Numbers and Integer Factorization
png Read and write PNG images
pnmtrem Probit-Normal Marginalized Transition Random Effects Models
pnn Probabilistic neural networks
pocrm Dose Finding in Drug Combination Phase I Trials Using PO-CRM
POET Principal Orthogonal ComplEment Thresholding (POET) Method
pogit Bayesian Variable Selection for a Poisson-Logistic Model
PogromcyDanych PogromcyDanych / DataCrunchers is the Masive Online Open Course that Brings R and Statistics to the People
poibin The Poisson Binomial Distribution
PoiClaClu Classification and clustering of sequencing data based on a Poisson model
poilog Poisson lognormal and bivariate Poisson lognormal distribution
pointdensityP Point Density for Geospatial Data
pointRes Analyzing Pointer Years and Components of Resilience
PoisBinNonNor Data Generation with Poisson, Binary and Continuous Components
PoisBinOrd Data Generation with Poisson, Binary and Ordinal Components
PoisBinOrdNonNor Generation of Up to Four Different Types of Variables
PoisBinOrdNor Data Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and Normal Components
poisDoubleSamp Confidence Intervals with Poisson Double Sampling
PoisNonNor Simultaneous Generation of Count and Continuous Data
PoisNor Simultaneous Generation of Multivariate Data with Poisson and Normal Marginals
poisson Simulating Homogenous & Non-Homogenous Poisson Processes
poisson.glm.mix Fit high dimensional mixtures of Poisson GLMs
PoissonSeq Significance analysis of sequencing data based on a Poisson log linear model
poistweedie Poisson-Tweedie exponential family models
poLCA Polytomous variable Latent Class Analysis
polidata Political Data Interface in R
pollstR Client for the HuffPost Pollster API
polmineR Toolset for Corpus Analysis
polspline Polynomial Spline Routines
polyaAeppli Implementation of the Polya-Aeppli distribution
polyapost Simulating from the Polya Posterior
polychaosbasics Sensitivity Indexes Calculated from Polynomial Chaos Expansions
polyclip Polygon Clipping
polycor Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations
polyCub Cubature over Polygonal Domains
polyfreqs Bayesian Population Genomics in Autopolyploids
polynom A Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations
PolynomF Polynomials in R
PolyPatEx Paternity Exclusion in Autopolyploid Species
polysat Tools for Polyploid Microsatellite Analysis
polySegratio Simulate and test marker dosage for dominant markers in autopolyploids
polySegratioMM Bayesian mixture models for marker dosage in autopolyploids
PolyTrend Trend Classification Algorithm
polywog Bootstrapped Basis Regression with Oracle Model Selection
pom POM - Patch Occupancy Models
Pomic Pattern Oriented Modelling Information Criterion
pomp Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
pooh Partial Orders and Relations
pop A Flexible Syntax for Population Dynamic Modelling
popbio Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models
popdemo Demographic Modelling Using Projection Matrices
PopED Population (and Individual) Optimal Experimental Design
popEpi Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data
PopGenKit Useful functions for (batch) file conversion and data resampling in microsatellite datasets
PopGenome An Efficient Swiss Army Knife for Population Genomic Analyses
PopGenReport A Simple Framework to Analyse Population Genetic Data
popgraph This is an R package that constructs and manipulates population graphs
popKorn For interval estimation of mean of selected populations
poplite Tools for Simplifying the Population and Querying of SQLite Databases
poppr Genetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed Reproduction
popprxl Read GenAlEx Files Directly from Excel
popRange popRange: A spatially and temporally explicit forward genetic simulator
popReconstruct Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past
popsom Routines for Constructing and Evaluating Self-Organizing Maps
population Models for Simulating Populations
PopVar Genomic Breeding Tools: Genetic Variance Prediction and Cross-Validation
pop.wolf Models for Simulating Wolf Populations
portes Portmanteau Tests for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Models
portfolio Analysing equity portfolios
PortfolioAnalytics Portfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
PortfolioEffectEstim High Frequency Price Estimators by PortfolioEffect
PortfolioEffectHFT High Frequency Portfolio Analytics by PortfolioEffect
portfolioSim Framework for simulating equity portfolio strategies
PortRisk Portfolio Risk Analysis
postGIStools Tools for Interacting with 'PostgreSQL' / 'PostGIS' Databases
potts Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Potts Models
PottsUtils Utility Functions of the Potts Models
powell Powell's UObyQA algorithm
PoweR Computation of Power and Level Tables for Hypothesis Tests
Power2Stage Power and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage Bioequivalence Studies
powerAnalysis Power analysis in experimental design
powerbydesign Power Estimates for ANOVA Designs
powerGWASinteraction Power Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWAS
poweRlaw Analysis of Heavy Tailed Distributions
powerMediation Power/Sample Size Calculation for Mediation Analysis
powerpkg Power analyses for the affected sib pair and the TDT design
powerplus Exponentiation Operations
powerSurvEpi Power and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis of Epidemiological Studies
PowerTOST Power and Sample Size Based on Two One-Sided t-Tests (TOST) for (Bio)Equivalence Studies
PP Person Parameter estimation
ppcor Partial and Semi-Partial (Part) Correlation
ppiPre Predict Protein-Protein Interactions Based on Functional and Topological Similarities
ppls Penalized Partial Least Squares
ppmlasso Point Process Models with LASSO Penalties
pps Functions for PPS sampling
PPtree Projection pursuit classification tree
PPtreeViz Projection Pursuit Classification Tree Visualization
pqantimalarials web tool for estimating under-five deaths caused by poor-quality antimalarials in sub-Saharan Africa
prabclus Functions for Clustering of Presence-Absence, Abundance and Multilocus Genetic Data
pracma Practical Numerical Math Functions
PracTools Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples
pragma Provides a pragma / directive / keyword syntax for R
prais Prais-Winsten Estimation Procedure for AR(1) Serial Correlation
praise Praise Users
praktikum Kvantitatiivsete meetodite praktikumi asjad / Functions used in the course "Quantitative methods in behavioural sciences" (SHPH.00.004), University of Tartu
prc Paired Response Curve
prcbench Testing Workbench for Precision-Recall Curves
prclust Penalized Regression-Based Clustering Method
precintcon Precipitation Intensity, Concentration and Anomaly Analysis
precrec Calculate Accurate Precision-Recall and Receiver Operator Characteristics Curves
PredictABEL Assessment of Risk Prediction Models
PredictiveRegression Prediction Intervals for Three Basic Statistical Models
predictmeans Calculate Predicted Means for Linear Models
PredictTestbench Test Bench for Comparison of Data Prediction Models
predmixcor Classification rule based on Bayesian mixture models with feature selection bias corrected
prefmod Utilities to Fit Paired Comparison Models for Preferences
PreKnitPostHTMLRender Pre-Knitting Processing and Post HTML-Rendering Processing
PReMiuM Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering, Profile Regression
prepdat Preparing Experimental Data for Statistical Analysis
preprocomb Tools for Preprocessing Combinations
preprosim Lightweight Data Quality Simulation for Classification
preproviz Tools for Visualization of Interdependent Data Quality Issues
prereg R Markdown Template to Preregister Scientific Studies
PresenceAbsence Presence-Absence Model Evaluation
presens R Interface for PreSens Fiber Optic Data
preseqR Predicting Species Accumulation Curves
PResiduals Probability-Scale Residuals and Residual Correlations
prettyGraphs publication-quality graphics
prettymapr Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R
prettyR Pretty Descriptive Stats
prettyunits Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
prevalence Tools for Prevalence Assessment Studies
PrevMap Geostatistical Modelling of Spatially Referenced Prevalence Data
prevR Estimating Regional Trends of a Prevalence from a DHS
pRF Permutation Significance for Random Forests
prim Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)
primer Functions and data for A Primer of Ecology with R
primerTree Visually Assessing the Specificity and Informativeness of Primer Pairs
primes Generate and Test for Prime Numbers
PRIMsrc PRIM Survival Regression Classification
princurve Fits a Principal Curve in Arbitrary Dimension
prinsimp Finding and plotting simple basis vectors for multivariate data
prism Access Data from the Oregon State Prism Climate Project
PRISMA Protocol Inspection and State Machine Analysis
PrivateLR Differentially Private Regularized Logistic Regression
prLogistic Estimation of Prevalence Ratios using Logistic Models
pro Point-Process Response Model for Optogenetics
prob Elementary Probability on Finite Sample Spaces
probemod Statistical Tools for Probing Moderation Effects
probFDA Probabilistic Fisher Discriminant Analysis
ProbForecastGOP Probabilistic weather forecast using the GOP method
ProbitSpatial Probit with Spatial Dependence, SAR and SEM Models
probsvm probsvm: Class probability estimation for Support Vector Machines
ProbYX Inference for the Stress-Strength Model R = P(Y<X)
pROC Display and Analyze ROC Curves
processcontrol Statistical Process Control Charts
ProDenICA Product Density Estimation for ICA using tilted Gaussian density estimates
prodigenr Research Project Directory Generator
prodlim Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
productplots Product Plots for R
PROFANCY The package can prioritize candidate disease metabolites based on global functional relationships between metabolites in the context of metabolic pathways
profdpm Profile Dirichlet Process Mixtures
ProfessR Grades Setting and Exam Maker
ProfileLikelihood Profile Likelihood for a Parameter in Commonly Used Statistical Models
profileModel Tools for profiling inference functions for various model classes
profileR Profile Analysis of Multivariate Data in R
profilr Quickly Profile Data in R
profr An alternative display for profiling information
proftools Profile Output Processing Tools for R
prof.tree An Alternative Display Profiling Data as Tree Structure
profvis Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
progenyClust Finding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny Clustering
ProgGUIinR support package for "Programming Graphical User Interfaces in R"
prognosticROC Prognostic ROC curves for evaluating the predictive capacity of a binary test
progress Terminal Progress Bars
proj4 A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library
ProjectTemplate Automates the creation of new statistical analysis projects
ProNet Biological Network Construction, Visualization and Analyses
propagate Propagation of Uncertainty
PropCIs Various confidence interval methods for proportions
PropClust Propensity Clustering and Decomposition
prop.comb.RR Analyzing Combination of Proportions and Relative Risk
properties Parse Java Properties Files for R Service Bus Applications
proportion Inference on Single Binomial Proportion and Bayesian Computations
propOverlap Feature (gene) selection based on the Proportional Overlapping Scores
propr Calculating Proportionality Between Vectors of Compositional Data
PropScrRand Propensity score methods for assigning treatment in randomized trials
prospectr Miscellaneous functions for processing and sample selection of vis-NIR diffuse reflectance data
ProteinDescriptors Generates Various Protein Descriptors for Machine Learning Algorithms
proteomicdesign Optimization of a multi-stage proteomic study
proteomics Statistical Analysis of High Throughput Proteomics Data
protiq Protein (identification and) quantification based on peptide evidence
proto Prototype object-based programming
protoclass Interpretable classification with prototypes
protoclust Hierarchical Clustering with Prototypes
PROTOLIDAR PRocess TOol LIdar DAta in R
protolite Fast and Simple Object Serialization to Protocol Buffers
proton The Proton Game
prototest Inference on Prototypes from Clusters of Features
protr Generating Various Numerical Representation Schemes of Protein Sequence
ProTrackR Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules
protViz Visualizing and Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Related Data in Proteomics
provenance Statistical Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
proxy Distance and Similarity Measures
prozor Minimal Protein Set Explaining Peptide Spectrum Matches
PRROC Precision-Recall and ROC Curves for Weighted and Unweighted Data
pRSR Test of Periodicity using Response Surface Regression
pryr Tools for Computing on the Language
PSAboot Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis
PSAgraphics Propensity Score Analysis Graphics
psbcGroup Penalized Parametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Survival Models with Shrinkage and Grouping Priors
PSCBS Analysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy Numbers
pscl Political Science Computational Laboratory, Stanford University
pscore Standardizing Physiological Composite Risk Endpoints
psd Adaptive, Sine-Multitaper Power Spectral Density Estimation
psData Download Regularly Maintained Political Science Data Sets
pse Parameter Space Exploration with Latin Hypercubes
pseudo Pseudo - observations
pseval Methods for Evaluating Principal Surrogates of Treatment Response
PSF Algorithm for Pattern Sequence Based Forecasting
psgp Projected Spatial Gaussian Process (psgp) methods
pSI Specificity Index Statistic
psidR Build Panel Data Sets from PSID Raw Data
PsiHat Several Local False Discovery Rate Estimators
PSM Non-Linear Mixed-Effects modelling using Stochastic Differential Equations
pso Particle Swarm Optimization
psoptim Particle Swarm Optimization
pspearman Spearman's rank correlation test
pspline Penalized Smoothing Splines
pssm Piecewise Exponential Model for Time to Progression and Time from Progression to Death
PST Probabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov Chains
PsumtSim Simulations of grouped responses relative to baseline
psy Various procedures used in psychometry
psych Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
psychometric Applied Psychometric Theory
psychomix Psychometric Mixture Models
psychotools Infrastructure for Psychometric Modeling
psychotree Recursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric Models
psyphy Functions for analyzing psychophysical data in R
psytabs Produce Well-Formatted Tables for Psychological Research
PTAk Principal Tensor Analysis on k Modes
PTE Personalized Treatment Evaluator
ptinpoly Point-In-Polyhedron Test (2D and 3D)
PtProcess Time Dependent Point Process Modelling
ptw Parametric Time Warping
ptycho Bayesian Variable Selection with Hierarchical Priors
PubBias Performs simulation study to look for publication bias, using a technique described by Ioannidis and Trikalinos; Clin Trials. 2007;4(3):245-53
pubmed.mineR Text Mining of PubMed Abstracts
PubMedWordcloud PubMed Word Clouds
pubprint Printing Results of Statistical Computing in a Publishable Way
pullword R Interface to Pullword Service
pumilioR Pumilio in R
PurBayes Bayesian Estimation of Tumor Purity and Clonality
purge Purge Training Data from Models
purrr Functional Programming Tools
pushoverr Send push notifications using Pushover
PVAClone Population Viability Analysis with Data Cloning
pvar Calculation and Application of p-Variation
pvclass P-Values for Classification
pvclust Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampling
PVR Computes phylogenetic eigenvectors regression (PVR) and phylogenetic signal-representation curve (PSR) (with null and Brownian expectations)
pvrank Rank Correlations
pvsR An R package to interact with the Project Vote Smart API for scientific research
PWD Time Series Regression Using the Power Weighted Densities (PWD) Approach
pweight P-Value Weighting
pwr Basic Functions for Power Analysis
PwrGSD Power in a Group Sequential Design
pwrRasch Statistical Power Simulation for Testing the Rasch Model
pwt Penn World Table (Versions 5.6, 6.x, 7.x)
pwt8 Penn World Table (Version 8.x)
pxR PC-Axis with R
pxweb R Interface to the PX-Web/PC-Axis API
pycno Pycnophylactic Interpolation
pyramid Functions to draw population pyramid
pystr Python String Methods in R
PythonInR Use Python from Within R