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s20x Functions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 Data Analysis
s2dverification Set of Common Tools for Forecast Verification
S2sls Spatial Two Stage Least Squares Estimation
s4vd Biclustering via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition Incorporating Stability Selection
saasCNV Somatic Copy Number Alteration Analysis Using Sequencing and SNP Array Data
Sabermetrics Sabermetrics Functions for Baseball Analytics
sac Semiparametric Analysis of Changepoint
saccades Detection of Fixations in Eye-Tracking Data
SACCR SA Counterparty Credit Risk under Basel III
SACOBRA Self-Adjusting COBRA
sadists Some Additional Distributions
sads Maximum Likelihood Models for Species Abundance Distributions
sae Small Area Estimation
sae2 Small Area Estimation: Time-series Models
saemix Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM) algorithm
SAENET A Stacked Autoencoder Implementation with Interface to 'neuralnet'
saeRobust Robust Small Area Estimation
saery Small Area Estimation for Rao and Yu Model
saeSim Simulation Tools for Small Area Estimation
SAFD Statistical Analysis of Fuzzy Data
SafeBayes Generalized and Safe-Bayesian Ridge and Lasso Regression
safeBinaryRegression Safe Binary Regression
SafeQuant A Toolbox for the Analysis of Proteomics Data
safi Sensitivity Analysis for Functional Input
SAGA Software for the Analysis of Genetic Architecture
SALES Elastic Net and (Adaptive) Lasso Penalized Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (SALES) and Coupled Sparse Asymmetric Least Squares (COSALES) using Coordinate Descent and Proximal Gradient Algorithms
SALTSampler Efficient Sampling on the Simplex
SAM Sparse Additive Modelling
SAMM Some Algorithms for Mixed Models
SamplerCompare A Framework for Comparing the Performance of MCMC Samplers
sampleSelection Sample Selection Models
samplesize Sample Size Calculation for Various t-Tests and Wilcoxon-Test
Sample.Size Sample size calculation
samplesize4surveys Sample Size Calculations for Complex Surveys
SampleSizeMeans Sample size calculations for normal means
SampleSizeProportions Calculating sample size requirements when estimating the difference between two binomial proportions
sampling Survey Sampling
samplingbook Survey Sampling Procedures
samplingEstimates Sampling Estimates
SamplingStrata Optimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys
samplingVarEst Sampling Variance Estimation
sampSurf Sampling Surface Simulation for Areal Sampling Methods
samr SAM: Significance Analysis of Microarrays
SAMUR Stochastic Augmentation of Matched Data Using Restriction Methods
SAMURAI Sensitivity Analysis of a Meta-analysis with Unpublished but Registered Analytical Investigations
sand Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R
sandwich Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators
sanitizers C/C++ source code to trigger Address and Undefined Behaviour Sanitizers
sankey Sankey Diagrams
sanon Stratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable Adjustment
sapa Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications
SAPP Statistical Analysis of Point Processes
sas7bdat SAS Database Reader (experimental)
SAScii Import ASCII files directly into R using only a SAS input script
SASmixed Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"
SASPECT Significant AnalysiS of PEptide CounTs
SASxport Read and Write 'SAS' 'XPORT' Files
satellite Various Functions for Handling and Manipulating Remote Sensing Data
saturnin Spanning Trees Used for Network Inference
SAVE Bayesian Emulation, Calibration and Validation of Computer Models
saves Fast load variables
saws Small-Sample Adjustments for Wald tests Using Sandwich Estimators
sBF Smooth Backfitting
sbfc Selective Bayesian Forest Classifier
sbgcop Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation and imputation
sbioPN sbioPN: Simulation of deterministic and stochastic spatial biochemical reaction networks using Petri Nets
sbmSDP Semidefinite Programming for Fitting Block Models of Equal Block Sizes
SBRect Detecting structural breaks using rectangle covering (non-parametric method)
sbrl Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists Model
SBSA Simplified Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis
sbtools USGS ScienceBase Tools
sca Simple Component Analysis
scagnostics Compute scagnostics - scatterplot diagnostics
Scale Likert Type Questionnaire Item Analysis
scales Scale Functions for Visualization
scalreg Scaled sparse linear regression
scam Shape Constrained Additive Models
scape Statistical Catch-at-Age Plotting Environment
scar Shape-Constrained Additive Regression: a Maximum Likelihood Approach
scaRabee Optimization Toolkit for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models
scatterD3 D3 JavaScript Scatterplot from R
scatterplot3d 3D Scatter Plot
SCBmeanfd Simultaneous Confidence Bands for the Mean of Functional Data
scenario Construct Reduced Trees with Predefined Nodal Structures
SCEPtER Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid
SCEPtERbinary Stellar CharactEristics Pisa Estimation gRid for Binary Systems
SCGLR Supervised Component Generalized Linear Regression
SchemaOnRead Automated Schema on Read
scholar Analyse Citation Data from Google Scholar
schoolmath Functions and datasets for math used in school
schoRsch Tools for Analyzing Factorial Experiments
schumaker Schumaker Shape-Preserving Spline
schwartz97 A package on the Schwartz two-factor commodity model
SCI Standardized Climate Indices Such as SPI, SRI or SPEI
scidb An R Interface to SciDB
SciencesPo A Tool Set for Analyzing Political Behavior Data
scientoText Text & Scientometric Analytics
scio Sparse Column-wise Inverse Operator
sciplot Scientific Graphing Functions for Factorial Designs
SciViews SciViews GUI API - Main package
sclero Measure Growth Patterns and Align Sampling Spots in Photographs
SCMA Single-Case Meta-Analysis
scmamp Statistical Comparison of Multiple Algorithms in Multiple Problems
score A Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires
ScoreGGUM Score Persons Using the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
scorer Quickly Score Models in Data Science and Machine Learning
SCORER2 SCORER 2.0: an algorithm for distinguishing parallel dimeric and trimeric coiled-coil sequences
scoring Proper scoring rules
scoringRules Scoring Rules for Parametric and Simulated Distribution Forecasts
ScottKnott The ScottKnott Clustering Algorithm
scout Implements the Scout Method for Covariance-Regularized Regression
SCperf Supply Chain Perform
ScrabbleScore Calculates Scrabble score for strings
scrapeR Tools for Scraping Data from HTML and XML Documents
ScreenClean Screen and clean variable selection procedures
scrime Analysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data such as SNP Data
scriptests Transcript-Based Unit Tests that are Easy to Create and Maintain
scrm Simulating the Evolution of Biological Sequences
SCRT Single-Case Randomization Tests
scrubr Clean Biological Occurrence Records
scrypt scrypt key derivation functions for R
scs Splitting Conic Solver
scuba Diving Calculations and Decompression Models
SCVA Single-Case Visual Analysis
sda Shrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable Selection
SDaA Sampling: Design and Analysis
sdat Signal Detection via Adaptive Test
sdcMicro Statistical Disclosure Control Methods for Anonymization of Microdata and Risk Estimation
sdcMicroGUI Graphical User Interface for Package 'sdcMicro'
sdcTable Methods for Statistical Disclosure Control in Tabular Data
sdcTarget Statistical Disclosure Control Substitution Matrix Calculator
SDD Serial Dependence Diagrams
SDDE Shortcuts, Detours and Dead Ends (SDDE) Path Types in Genome Similarity Networks
sddpack Semidiscrete Decomposition
sde Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations
sdef Synthesizing List of Differentially Expressed Features
SDEFSR Subgroup Discovery with Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems in R
sdm Species Distribution Modelling
SDMTools Species Distribution Modelling Tools: Tools for processing data associated with species distribution modelling exercises
sdmvspecies Create Virtual Species for Species Distribution Modelling
sdnet Soft-Discretization-Based Bayesian Network Inference
sdPrior Scale-Dependent Hyperpriors in Structured Additive Distributional Regression
sdprisk Measures of Risk for the Compound Poisson Risk Process with Diffusion
SDraw Spatially Balanced Sample Draws for Spatial Objects
sdtoolkit Scenario Discovery Tools to Support Robust Decision Making
sdwd Sparse Distance Weighted Discrimination
seacarb Seawater Carbonate Chemistry
sealasso Standard Error Adjusted Adaptive Lasso
searchable Tools for Custom Searches / Subsets / Slices of Named R Objects
searchConsoleR Google Search Console R Client
SearchTrees Spatial Search Trees
seas Seasonal analysis and graphics, especially for climatology
SEAsic Score Equity Assessment- summary index computation
season Seasonal analysis of health data
seasonal R Interface to X-13-ARIMA-SEATS
seawaveQ U.S. Geological Survey seawaveQ model
SEchart SEchart
SecKW The SecKW Distribution
SECP Statistical Estimation of Cluster Parameters (SECP)
secr Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
secrdesign Sampling Design for Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
secrlinear Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture for Linear Habitats
seeclickfixr Access Data from the SeeClickFix Web API
seedy Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics
seeg Statistics for Environmental Sciences, Engineering, and Geography
seem Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models
SEER2R reading and writing SEER*STAT data files
SEERaBomb SEER and Atomic Bomb Survivor Data Analysis Tools
seewave Sound Analysis and Synthesis
seg A set of tools for measuring spatial segregation
SegCorr Detecting Correlated Genomic Regions
segmag Determine Event Boundaries in Event Segmentation Experiments
segmented Regression Models with Breakpoints/Changepoints Estimation
Segmentor3IsBack A Fast Segmentation Algorithm
SEHmodel Spatial Exposure-Hazard Model for Exposure and Impact Assessment on Exposed Individuals
seismic Predict Information Cascade by Self-Exciting Point Process
seismicRoll Fast Rolling Functions for Seismology using Rcpp
sejmRP An Information About Deputies and Votings in Polish Diet from Seventh to Eighth Term of Office
Sejong KoNLP static dictionaries and Sejong project resources
SEL Semiparametric elicitation
selection Correcting Biased Estimates Under Selection
selectiongain A Tool for Calculation and Optimization of the Expected Gain from Multi-Stage Selection
selectiveInference Tools for Post-Selection Inference
selectMeta Estimation of Weight Functions in Meta Analysis
selectr Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions
selectspm Select Point Pattern Models Based on Minimum Contrast, AIC and Goodness of Fit
SeleMix Selective Editing via Mixture models
selfea Select Features Reliably with Cohen's Effect Sizes
selfingTree Genotype Probabilities in Intermediate Generations of Inbreeding Through Selfing
SelvarMix Regularization for Variable Selection in Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis
sem Structural Equation Models
semdiag Structural equation modeling diagnostics
semds Structural Equation Multidimensional Scaling
semGOF Goodness-of-fit indexes for structural equation models
semiArtificial Generator of Semi-Artificial Data
SemiCompRisks Hierarchical Models for Parametric and Semi-Parametric Analyses of Semi-Competing Risks Data
SEMID Identifiability of Linear Structural Equation Models
SemiMarkov Multi-States Semi-Markov Models
SemiPar Semiparametic Regression
SemiParBIVProbit Semiparametric Copula Regression Models
SemiParSampleSel Semiparametric Sample Selection Modelling with Continuous or Discrete Response
semisupKernelPCA Kernel PCA projection, and semi-supervised variant
SEMModComp Model Comparisons for SEM
semPlot Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages' output
semPLS Structural Equation Modeling Using Partial Least Squares
semsfa Semiparametric Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Models
semTools Useful Tools for Structural Equation Modeling
sendmailR send email using R
sendplot Tool for sending interactive plots with tool-tip content
sensiPhy Sensitivity Analysis for Comparative Methods
sensitivity Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs
sensitivity2x2xk Sensitivity Analysis for 2x2xk Tables in Observational Studies
SensitivityCaseControl Sensitivity Analysis for Case-Control Studies
sensitivitymv Sensitivity Analysis in Observational Studies
sensitivitymw Sensitivity analysis using weighted M-statistics
sensitivityPStrat Principal Stratification Sensitivity Analysis Functions
SensMixed Analysis of Sensory and Consumer Data in a Mixed Model Framework
SensoMineR Sensory data analysis with R
sensory Simultaneous Model-Based Clustering and Imputation via a Progressive Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
sensR Thurstonian Models for Sensory Discrimination
SenSrivastava Datasets from Sen & Srivastava
SensusR Sensus Analytics
sEparaTe Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Likelihood Ratio Test Functions for Separable Variance-Covariance Structures
separationplot Separation Plots
seqCBS CN Profiling using Sequencing and CBS
seqDesign Simulation and Group Sequential Monitoring of Randomized Two-Stage Treatment Efficacy Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints
SeqFeatR A Tool to Associate FASTA Sequences and Features
SeqGrapheR Simple GUI for Graph Based Visualization of Cluster of DNA Sequence Reads
seqHMM Hidden Markov Models for Life Sequences and Other Multivariate, Multichannel Categorical Time Series
seqinr Biological Sequences Retrieval and Analysis
SeqMADE Network Module-Based Model in the Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-Seq
seqMeta Meta-Analysis of Region-Based Tests of Rare DNA Variants
seqminer Efficiently Read Sequence Data (VCF Format, BCF Format and METAL Format) into R
seqmon Sequential Monitoring of Clinical Trials
seqPERM Generates a permutation matrix based upon a sequence
seqRFLP Simulation and visualization of restriction enzyme cutting pattern from DNA sequences
seqtest Sequential Triangular Test
sequences Generic and Biological Sequences
Sequential Exact Sequential Analysis for Poisson and Binomial Data
sequenza Copy Number Estimation from Tumor Genome Sequencing Data
serial The Serial Interface Package
seriation Infrastructure for Ordering Objects Using Seriation
seroincidence Estimating Infection Rates from Serological Data
servr A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
sesem Spatially Explicit Structural Equation Modeling
session Functions for interacting with, saving and restoring R sessions
SetMethods SetMethods: A Package Companion to "Set-Theoretic Methods for the Social Sciences"
SETPath Spiked Eigenvalue Test for Pathway data
SetRank Advanced Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
setRNG Set (Normal) Random Number Generator and Seed
sets Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
setter Mutators that Work with Pipes
settings Software Option Settings Manager for R
setwidth Automatically Set the Width Option on Terminal Emulators
severity Mayo's Post-data Severity Evaluation
sExtinct Calculates the historic date of extinction given a series of sighting events
sfa Stochastic Frontier Analysis
sfinx Straightforward Filtering Index for AP-MS Data Analysis (SFINX)
sfsmisc Utilities from "Seminar fuer Statistik" ETH Zurich
sft Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data
SGCS Spatial Graph Based Clustering Summaries for Spatial Point Patterns
sgd Stochastic Gradient Descent for Scalable Estimation
sgeostat An Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+
SGL Fit a GLM (or cox model) with a combination of lasso and group lasso regularization
sglasso Lasso Method for RCON(V,E) Models
sglOptim Generic Sparse Group Lasso Solver
sglr An R package for power and boundary calculations in pre-licensure vaccine trials using a sequential generalized likelihood ratio test
sgof Multiple Hypothesis Testing
SGP Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories
sGPCA Sparse Generalized Principal Component Analysis
SGPdata Exemplar Data Sets for SGP Analyses
sgPLS Sparse Group Partial Least Square Methods
sgr Sample Generation by Replacement
sgRSEA Enrichment Analysis of CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout Screen Data
sgt Skewed Generalized T Distribution Tree
shades Simple Colour Manipulation
shape Functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
ShapeChange Change-Point Estimation using Shape-Restricted Splines
shapefiles Read and Write ESRI Shapefiles
ShapePattern Tools for Analyzing Planar Shape and Associated Patterns
shapeR Collection and Analysis of Otolith Shape Data
shapes Statistical Shape Analysis
ShapeSelectForest Shape Selection for Landsat Time Series of Forest Dynamics
SharpeR Statistical Significance of the Sharpe Ratio
sharpshootR A Soil Survey Toolkit
sharx Models and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
shazam Immunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation Analysis
SHELF Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework (SHELF)
shiny Web Application Framework for R
shinyAce Ace Editor Bindings for Shiny
shinybootstrap2 Bootstrap 2 Web Components for Use with Shiny
shinyBS Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
shinydashboard Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'
shinyDND Shiny Drag-n-Drop
shinyFiles A Server-Side File System Viewer For Shiny
ShinyItemAnalysis Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
shinyjs Perform Common JavaScript Operations in Shiny Apps using Plain R Code
shinyRGL Shiny Wrappers for RGL
shinystan Interactive Visual and Numerical Diagnostics and Posterior Analysis for Bayesian Models
shinythemes Themes for Shiny
shinyTime A Time Input Widget for Shiny
shinytoastr Notifications from 'Shiny'
shinyTree jsTree Bindings for Shiny
SHIP SHrinkage covariance Incorporating Prior knowledge
SHLR Shared Haplotype Length Regression
shock Slope Heuristic for Block-Diagonal Covariance Selection in High Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models
shopifyr An R Interface to the Shopify API
shotGroups Analyze Shot Group Data
showtext Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
showtextdb Font Files for the 'showtext' Package
shp2graph Convert a SpatialLinesDataFrame object to a "igraph-class" object
shrink Global, Parameterwise and Joint Shrinkage Factor Estimation
Shrinkage Several Shrinkage Effect-Size Estimators
ShrinkCovMat Shrinkage Covariance Matrix Estimators
shuffle The Shuffle Estimator for Explainable Variance
siar Stable Isotope Analysis in R
SIBER Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R
SID Structural Intervention Distance
sideChannelAttack Side Channel Attack
SIDES Subgroup Identification Based on Differential Effect Search
sidier Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships
sievetest Sieve test reporting functions
sig Print Function Signatures
sigclust Statistical Significance of Clustering
SightabilityModel Wildlife Sightability Modeling
sigloc Signal Location Estimation
sigmoid Sigmoid Functions for Machine Learning
signal Signal Processing
signalHsmm Predict Presence of Signal Peptides
signmedian.test Perform Exact Sign Test and Asymptotic Sign Test in Large Samples
sigora Signature Overrepresentation Analysis
SigTree Identify and Visualize Significantly Responsive Branches in a Phylogenetic Tree
SII Calculate ANSI S3.5-1997 Speech Intelligibility Index
simba A Collection of functions for similarity analysis of vegetation data
simboot Simultaneous inference for diversity indices
simcausal Simulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference Applications
SimComp Simultaneous Comparisons for Multiple Endpoints
SimCorMultRes Simulates Correlated Multinomial Responses
simctest Safe Implementation of Monte Carlo Tests
SimDesign Structure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs
Sim.DiffProc Simulation of Diffusion Processes
simecol Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems
simest Constrained Single Index Model Estimation
simex SIMEX- and MCSIMEX-Algorithm for measurement error models
simexaft simexaft
simFrame Simulation framework
SimHaz Simulated Survival and Hazard Analysis for Time-Dependent Exposure
SimilarityMeasures Trajectory Similarity Measures
Simile Interact with Simile Models
SimInf A Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations
simLife Simulation of Fatigue Lifetimes
simmer Discrete-Event Simulation for R
simmr A Stable Isotope Mixing Model
SIMMS Subnetwork Integration for Multi-Modal Signatures
simMSM Simulation of Event Histories for Multi-State Models
simone Statistical Inference for MOdular NEtworks (SIMoNe)
simPATHy Simulation Model of Expression Data for Pathway Analysis
simPH Tools for Simulating and Plotting Quantities of Interest Estimated from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simpleboot Simple Bootstrap Routines
simplegraph Simple Graph Data Types and Basic Algorithms
simpleNeural An Easy to Use Multilayer Perceptron
simpleRCache Simple R Cache
SimpleTable Bayesian Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects from 2 x 2 and 2 x 2 x K Tables in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounding
simplexreg Regression Analysis of Proportional Data Using Simplex Distribution
SimplicialCubature Integration of Functions Over Simplices
simplr Basic Symbolic Expression Simplification
simPop Simulation of Synthetic Populations for Survey Data Considering Auxiliary Information
Simpsons Detecting Simpson's Paradox
simr Power Analysis for Generalised Linear Mixed Models by Simulation
SimRAD Simulations to Predict the Number of RAD and GBS Loci
SimReg Similarity Regression Functions
simrel Linear Model Data Simulation and Design of Computer Experiments
SiMRiv Individual-Based, Spatially-Explicit Simulation and Analysis of Multi-State Movements in River Networks and Heterogeneous Landscapes
simsalapar Tools for Simulation Studies in Parallel
simsem SIMulated Structural Equation Modeling
SimSeq Nonparametric Simulation of RNA-Seq Data
simstudy Simulation of Study Data
simSummary Simulation summary
simTool Conduct Simulation Studies with a Minimal Amount of Source Code
SimuChemPC Simulation process of 4 selection methods in predicting chemical potent compounds
simulator An Engine for Running Simulations
SimultAnR Correspondence and Simultaneous Analysis
SIN A SINful Approach to Selection of Gaussian Graphical Markov Models
sinaplot An Enhanced Chart for Simple and Truthful Representation of Single Observations over Multiple Classes
SinIW The SinIW Distribution
siplab Spatial Individual-Plant Modelling
sirad Functions for Calculating Daily Solar Radiation and Evapotranspiration
siRSM Single-Index Response Surface Models
sirt Supplementary Item Response Theory Models
SIS Sure Independence Screening
sisal Sequential Input Selection Algorithm
sisus SISUS: Stable Isotope Sourcing using Sampling
sisVIVE Some Invalid Some Valid Instrumental Variables Estimator
sitar Super Imposition by Translation and Rotation Growth Curve Analysis
sitmo Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generator (PPRNG) 'sitmo' Header Files
sitools Format a number to a string with SI prefix
sivipm Sensitivity Indices with Dependent Inputs
SixSigma Six Sigma Tools for Quality Control and Improvement
SizeEstimation Estimating the Sizes of Populations at Risk of HIV Infection from Multiple Data Sources Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model
sizeMat Estimate Size at Sexual Maturity
SiZer SiZer: Significant Zero Crossings
sjdbc JDBC Driver Interface
sjmisc Data Transformation and Labelled Data Utility Functions
sjPlot Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
sjstats Collection of Convenient Functions for Common Statistical Computations
SKAT SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test
skatMeta Efficient meta analysis for the SKAT test
skda Sparse (Multicategory) Kernel Discriminant Analysis
skellam Densities and Sampling for the Skellam Distribution
SkewHyperbolic The Skew Hyperbolic Student t-Distribution
skewt The Skewed Student-t Distribution
Skillings.Mack The Skillings-Mack Test Statistic for Block Designs with Missing Observations
skmeans Spherical k-Means Clustering
Sky Canopy Openness Analyzer Package
sla Two-Group Straight Line ANCOVA
slackr Send Messages, Images, R Objects and Files to 'Slack' Channels/Users
slam Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
SLC Slope and level change
sld Estimation and Use of the Quantile-Based Skew Logistic Distribution
SLDAssay Serial Limiting Dilution Assay Statistics
sleekts 4253H, Twice Smoothing
Sleuth2 Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2nd Ed)"
Sleuth3 Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rd Ed)"
slfm Tools for Fitting Sparse Latent Factor Model
SLHD Maximin-Distance (Sliced) Latin Hypercube Designs
SLOPE Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation (SLOPE)
slp Discrete Prolate Spheroidal (Slepian) Sequence Regression Smoothers
sm Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation
smaa Stochastic Multi-Criteria Acceptability Analysis
smac Sparse Multi-category Angle-Based Large-Margin Classifiers
smacof Multidimensional Scaling
smacpod Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Case-Control Point Data
smallarea Fits a Fay Herriot Model
smam Statistical Modeling of Animal Movements
smart Sparse Multivariate Analysis via Rank Transformation
SmarterPoland Tools for Accessing Various Datasets Developed by the Foundation SmarterPoland.pl
smatr (Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines
smbinning Optimal Binning for Scoring Modeling
SMC Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) Algorithm
smcfcs Multiple Imputation of Covariates by Substantive Model Compatible Fully Conditional Specification
smco A simple Monte Carlo optimizer using adaptive coordinate sampling
SMCP Smoothed minimax concave penalization (SMCP) method for genome-wide association studies
SMCRM Data Sets for Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management by Kumar and Petersen (2012)
smcure Fit Semiparametric Mixture Cure Models
smcUtils Utility functions for sequential Monte Carlo
smdata Data to accompany Smithson & Merkle, 2013
smdc Document Similarity
smds Symbolic Multidimensional Scaling
sme Smoothing-splines Mixed-effects Models
smerc Statistical Methods for Regional Counts
SMFI5 R functions and data from Chapter 5 of 'Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering'
smfsb SMfSB 2e: Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology, second edition
smint Smooth Multivariate Interpolation for Gridded and Scattered Data
SMIR Companion to Statistical Modelling in R
smirnov Provides two taxonomic coefficients from E. S. Smirnov "Taxonomic analysis" (1969) book
Smisc Sego Miscellaneous
SmithWilsonYieldCurve Smith-Wilson Yield Curve Construction
SML Statistical Machine Learning
SMNCensReg Fitting Univariate Censored Regression Model Under the Family of Scale Mixture of Normal Distributions
smnet Smoothing for Stream Network Data
smoof Single and Multi-Objective Optimization Test Functions
smoother Functions Relating to the Smoothing of Numerical Data
SmoothHazard Fitting illness-death model for interval-censored data
smoothHR Smooth Hazard Ratio Curves Taking a Reference Value
smoothie Two-dimensional Field Smoothing
smoothmest Smoothed M-estimators for 1-dimensional location
smoothSurv Survival Regression with Smoothed Error Distribution
smoothtail Smooth Estimation of GPD Shape Parameter
SMPracticals Practicals for use with Davison (2003) Statistical Models
SMR Externally Studentized Midrange Distribution
sms Spatial Microsimulation
smss Datasets for Agresti and Finlay's "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences"
SMVar Structural Model for variances
sn The Skew-Normal and Skew-t Distributions
sna Tools for Social Network Analysis
snapshot Gadget N-body cosmological simulation code snapshot I/O utilities
SNFtool Similarity Network Fusion
snht Standard Normal Homogeneity Test
snipEM Snipping methods for robust estimation and clustering
snn Stabilized Nearest Neighbor Classifier
snow Simple Network of Workstations
SnowballC Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library
snowboot Bootstrap Methods for Network Inference
snowfall Easier cluster computing (based on snow)
snowFT Fault Tolerant Simple Network of Workstations
snpar Supplementary Non-parametric Statistics Methods
SNPassoc SNPs-based whole genome association studies
snpEnrichment SNPs Enrichment Analysis
snplist Tools to Create Gene Sets
SNPmaxsel Maximally selected statistics for SNP data
SNPMClust Bivariate Gaussian Genotype Clustering and Calling for Illumina Microarrays
snp.plotter snp.plotter
snpRF Random Forest for SNPs to Prevent X-chromosome SNP Importance Bias
snpStatsWriter Flexible writing of snpStats objects to flat files
SNPtools Accessing, subsetting and plotting mouse SNPs
sns Stochastic Newton Sampler (SNS)
SNscan Scan Statistics in Social Networks
SNSequate Standard and Nonstandard Statistical Models and Methods for Test Equating
SOAR Memory management in R by delayed assignments
soc.ca Specific Correspondence Analysis for the Social Sciences
SocialMediaLab Tools for Collecting Social Media Data and Generating Networks for Analysis
SocialMediaMineR A Social Media Search and Analytic Tool
SocialNetworks Generates social networks based on distance
SocialPosition Social Position Indicators Construction Toolbox
SOD SOD for multidimensional scaling
SoDA Functions and Examples for "Software for Data Analysis"
sodavis SODA: Main and Interaction Effects Selection for Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression
SODC Optimal Discriminant Clustering(ODC) and Sparse Optimal Discriminant Clustering(SODC)
sodium A Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
Sofi Interfaz interactiva con fines didacticos
softclassval Soft Classification Performance Measures
SoftClustering Soft Clustering Algorithms
softImpute Matrix Completion via Iterative Soft-Thresholded SVD
SOIL Sparsity Oriented Importance Learning
soilDB Soil Database Interface
soilphysics Soil Physical Analysis
soilprofile A package to consistently represent soil properties along a soil profile
SoilR Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
soil.spec Soil Spectroscopy Tools and Reference Models
soiltexture Functions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification and Transformation
soilwater Implementation of Parametric Formulas for Soil Water Retention or Conductivity Curve
solaR Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems
solarius An R Interface to SOLAR
solarPos Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications
solidearthtide Solid Earth Tide Computation
SOLOMON Parentage analysis
solr General Purpose R Interface to Solr
solrium General Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'
som Self-Organizing Map
soma General-Purpose Optimisation With the Self-Organising Migrating Algorithm
SOMbrero SOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs
somebm some Brownian motions simulation functions
someKfwer Controlling the Generalized Familywise Error Rate
someMTP Some Multiple Testing Procedures
sommer Solving Mixed Model Equations in R
somplot Visualisation of hexagonal Kohonen maps
sonicLength Estimating Abundance of Clones from DNA fragmentation data
soobench Single Objective Optimization Benchmark Functions
sophisthse Load Russian Economic Indicators from the Archive of Economic and Social Data
SOPIE Non-Parametric Estimation of the Off-Pulse Interval of a Pulsar
soql Helps Make Socrata Open Data API Calls
SOR Estimation using Sequential Offsetted Regression
SortableHTMLTables Turns a data frame into an HTML file containing a sortable table
sortinghat sortinghat
sorvi Finnish Open Government Data Toolkit
sos Search Contributed R Packages, Sort by Package
sos4R An R client for the OGC Sensor Observation Service
sotkanet Tools for Sotkanet Open Data Portal
sound A Sound Interface for R
soundecology Soundscape Ecology
SoundexBR Phonetic-Coding for Portuguese
SOUP Stochastic Ordering Using Permutations (and Pairwise Comparisons)
source.gist Read R code from a GitHub Gist
sourceR Fits a Non-Parametric Bayesian Source Attribution Model
sourcetools Tools for the Reading and Tokenization of R Code
SoyNAM Soybean Nested Association Mapping Dataset
sp Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
sp23design Design and Simulation of seamless Phase II-III Clinical Trials
sp500SlidingWindow Sliding Window Investment Analysis
spa Implements The Sequential Predictions Algorithm
SPA3G SPA3G: R package for the method of Li and Cui (2012)
spaa SPecies Association Analysis
space Sparse PArtial Correlation Estimation
SPACECAP A Program to Estimate Animal Abundance and Density using Bayesian Spatially-Explicit Capture-Recapture Models
spaceExt Extension of SPACE
spacejam Sparse conditional graph estimation with joint additive models
spacetime Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data
spacodiR Spatial and Phylogenetic Analysis of Community Diversity
spacom Spatially Weighted Context Data for Multilevel Modelling
spAddins A Set of RStudio Addins
SpaDES Develop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models
spaero Software for Project AERO
spam SPArse Matrix
spaMM Mixed Models, Particularly Spatial GLMMs
spanel Spatial Panel Data Models
spanr Search Partition Analysis
SPAr Perform rare variants association analysis based on summation of partition approaches
sparc Semiparametric Generalized Linear Models
sparcl Perform sparse hierarchical clustering and sparse k-means clustering
spareserver Client Side Load Balancing
spark Sparklines in the 'R' Terminal
sparkTable Sparklines and Graphical Tables for TeX and HTML
sparktex Generate LaTeX sparklines in R
sparr SPAtial Relative Risk
sparseBC Sparse Biclustering of Transposable Data
sparsebnUtils Utilities for Learning Sparse Bayesian Networks
sparsediscrim Sparse and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
SparseFactorAnalysis Scaling Count and Binary Data with Sparse Factor Analysis
SparseGrid Sparse grid integration in R
sparseHessianFD Numerical Estimation of Sparse Hessians
sparseLDA Sparse Discriminant Analysis
SparseLearner Sparse Learning Algorithms Using a LASSO-Type Penalty for Coefficient Estimation and Model Prediction
sparseLTSEigen RcppEigen back end for sparse least trimmed squares regression
SparseM Sparse Linear Algebra
sparseMVN Multivariate Normal Functions for Sparse Covariance and Precision Matrices
sparsenet Fit sparse linear regression models via nonconvex optimization
sparsereg Sparse Bayesian Models for Regression, Subgroup Analysis, and Panel Data
sparseSEM Sparse-aware Maximum Likelihood for Structural Equation Models
sparsesvd Sparse Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (from 'SVDLIBC')
sparseSVM Solution Paths of Sparse Linear Support Vector Machine with Lasso or ELastic-Net Regularization
SparseTSCGM Sparse Time Series Chain Graphical Models
sparsevar A Package for Sparse VAR/VECM Estimation
spartan Simulation Parameter Analysis R Toolkit ApplicatioN: Spartan
spatcounts Spatial count regression
spate Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Large Data Using a Spectral SPDE Approach
spatgraphs Graph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns
spatial Functions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis
spatialCovariance Computation of Spatial Covariance Matrices for Data on Rectangles
spatialEco Spatial Analysis and Modelling
SpatialEpi Methods and Data for Spatial Epidemiology
SpatialExtremes Modelling Spatial Extremes
spatialfil Application of 2D Convolution Kernel Filters to Matrices or 3D Arrays
spatial.gev.bma Hierarchical spatial generalized extreme value (GEV) modeling with Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)
spatialkernel Nonparameteric estimation of spatial segregation in a multivariate point process
spatialnbda Performs spatial NBDA in a Bayesian context
SpatialNP Multivariate nonparametric methods based on spatial signs and ranks
SpatialPack Package for analysis of spatial data
SpatialPosition Spatial Position Models
spatialprobit Spatial Probit Models
spatialsegregation Segregation measures for multitype spatial point patterns
spatialTailDep Estimation of spatial tail dependence models
spatial.tools R functions for working with spatial data
SpatialTools Tools for Spatial Data Analysis
SpatialVx Spatial Forecast Verification
SpatioTemporal Spatio-Temporal Model Estimation
SpatMCA Regularized Spatial Maximum Covariance Analysis
SpatPCA Regularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial Data
spatstat Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
spatsurv Bayesian Spatial Survival Analysis with Parametric Proportional Hazards Models
spbabel Convert Spatial Data Using Tidy Tables
spBayes Univariate and Multivariate Spatial-temporal Modeling
spBayesSurv Bayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Survival Data
spc Statistical Process Control – Collection of Some Useful Functions
spcadjust Functions for Calibrating Control Charts
SPCALDA A New Reduced-Rank Linear Discriminant Analysis Method
spcosa Spatial Coverage Sampling and Random Sampling from Compact Geographical Strata
spcov Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix
spcr Sparse principal component regression
spd Semi Parametric Distribution
spdep Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
spduration Split-Population Duration (Cure) Regression
spdynmod Spatio-Dynamic Wetland Plant Communities Model
spe Stochastic Proximity Embedding
speaq Tools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Alignment and Quantitative Analysis
speccalt Alternative spectral clustering, with automatic estimation of k
SpecHelpers Spectroscopy Related Utilities
SPECIES Statistical package for species richness estimation
speciesgeocodeR Prepare Species Distributions for the Use in Phylogenetic Analyses
SpeciesMix Fit Mixtures of Archetype species
specificity Specificity of personality trait-outcome (or trait-trait) associations
specmine Metabolomics and Spectral Data Analysis and Mining
SpecsVerification Forecast Verification Routines for the SPECS FP7 Project
spectralGP Approximate Gaussian Processes Using the Fourier Basis
SpectralMap Diffusion Map and Spectral Map
spectral.methods Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) Tools for Time Series Analysis
spectrino Spectra Visualization, Organizer and Data Preparation
SPEDInstabR Estimation of the Relative Importance of Factors Affecting Species Distribution Based on Stability Concept
speedglm Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models to Large Data Sets
speff2trial Semiparametric efficient estimation for a two-sample treatment effect
SPEI Calculation of the Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index
sperich Auxiliary Functions to Estimate Centers of Biodiversity
sperrorest Spatial Error Estimation and Variable Importance
spfrontier Spatial Stochastic Frontier Models
spgrass6 Interface Between GRASS 6+ Geographical Information System and R
spgs Statistical Patterns in Genomic Sequences
spgwr Geographically Weighted Regression
sphereplot Spherical plotting
SphericalCubature Numerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions; Multivariate Polar Coordinates
SphericalK Spherical K-Function
SpherWave Spherical Wavelets and SW-based Spatially Adaptive Methods
sphet Estimation of spatial autoregressive models with and without heteroskedastic innovations
spi Compute SPI index
SPIAssay A genetic-based assay for the identification of cell lines
spider Species Identity and Evolution in R
spiders Fits Predator Preferences Model
SPIGA Compute SPI Index using the Methods Genetic Algorithm and Maximum Likelihood
spikeslab Prediction and variable selection using spike and slab regression
spikeSlabGAM Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Choice for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
SPIn Simulation-efficient Shortest Probability Intervals
spinyReg Sparse Generative Model and Its EM Algorithm
splancs Spatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis
splitstackshape Stack and Reshape Datasets After Splitting Concatenated Values
splm Econometric Models for Spatial Panel Data
spls Sparse Partial Least Squares (SPLS) Regression and Classification
splus2R Supplemental S-PLUS Functionality in R
splusTimeDate Times and Dates from S-PLUS
splusTimeSeries Time Series from S-PLUS
spm12r Wrapper Functions for SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) Version 12 from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
spMC Continuous-Lag Spatial Markov Chains
SPmlficmcm Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Method for Interactions Gene-Environment in Case-Mother Control-Mother Designs
spnet Plotting (Social) Networks on Maps
spocc Interface to Species Occurrence Data Sources
spoccutils Utilities for Use with 'spocc'
SPODT Spatial Oblique Decision Tree
sporm Semiparametric proportional odds rate model
SportsAnalytics Infrastructure for Sports Analytics
SPOT Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox
spray Sparse Arrays and Multivariate Polynomials
SPREDA Statistical Package for Reliability Data Analysis
sprex Calculate Species Richness and Extrapolation Metrics
sprint Simple Parallel R INTerface
sprinter Framework for Screening Prognostic Interactions
sprm Sparse and Non-Sparse Partial Robust M Regression and Classification
sprsmdl Sparse modeling toolkit
SPRT Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Test
spsann Optimization of Sample Configurations using Spatial Simulated Annealing
spsi Shape-Preserving Uni-Variate and Bi-Variate Spline Interpolation
SPSL Site Percolation on Square Lattice (SPSL)
spsmooth spsmooth: An Extension Package for 'mgcv'
spsurvey Spatial Survey Design and Analysis
spt Sierpinski Pedal Triangle
spTDyn Spatially Varying and Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Linear Models
spTest Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests of Isotropy and Symmetry
spThin Functions for Spatial Thinning of Species Occurrence Records for Use in Ecological Models
spTimer Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling Using R
sptm SemiParametric Transformation Model Methods
spuRs Functions and Datasets for "Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R"
SQDA Sparse Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
sqldf Perform SQL Selects on R Data Frames
sqliter Connection wrapper to SQLite databases
sqlutils Utilities for working with SQL files
SQN subset quantile normalization
SQUAREM Squared extrapolation methods for accelerating fixed-point iterations
squash Color-Based Plots for Multivariate Visualization
squid Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences
sra Selection Response Analysis
SRCS Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for Multiple Pairwise Comparisons
srd Draws Scaled Rectangle Diagrams
sROC Nonparametric Smooth ROC Curves for Continuous Data
SRRS The Stepwise Response Refinement Screener (SRRS)
srvyr 'dplyr'-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Data
ss3sim Fisheries Stock Assessment Simulation Testing with Stock Synthesis
ssa Simultaneous Signal Analysis
ssanv Sample Size Adjusted for Nonadherence or Variability of Input Parameters
sscor Robust Correlation Estimation and Testing Based on Spatial Signs
ssd Sample Size Determination (SSD) for Unordered Categorical Data
SSDforR Functions to Analyze Single System Data
SSDM Stacked Species Distribution Modelling
sSDR Tools Developed for Structured Sufficient Dimension Reduction (sSDR)
ssfa Spatial Stochastic Frontier Analysis
ssfit Fitting of parametric models using summary statistics
ssh.utils Local and remote system commands with output and error capture
ssize.fdr Sample Size Calculations for Microarray Experiments
ssizeRNA Sample Size Calculation for RNA-Seq Experimental Design
SSL Semi-Supervised Learning
ssmn Skew Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions
ssmrob Robust estimation and inference in sample selection models
SSN Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
sspline Smoothing Splines on the Sphere
sspse Estimating Hidden Population Size using Respondent Driven Sampling Data
SSrat Two-dimensional sociometric status determination with rating scales
SSRMST Sample Size Calculation using Restricted Mean Survival Time
sss Tools for Importing Files in the Triple-s (Standard Survey Structure) Format
SSsimple State space models
ssvd Sparse SVD
ssym Fitting Semi-Parametric log-Symmetric Regression Models
st Shrinkage t Statistic and Correlation-Adjusted t-Score
stabledist Stable Distribution Functions
StableEstim Estimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using Different Methods
stablespec Stable Specification Search in Structural Equation Models
stabs Stability Selection with Error Control
Stack Stylized concatenation of data.frames or ffdfs
stackoverflow Stack Overflow's Greatest Hits
stacomirtools stacomi ODBC connection class
stagePop Modelling the Population Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Species in Continuous Time
stam Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Modelling
StAMPP Statistical Analysis of Mixed Ploidy Populations
STAND Statistical Analysis of Non-Detects
StandardizeText Standardize Text
StanHeaders C++ Header Files for Stan
STAR Spike Train Analysis with R
stargazer Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables
starma Modelling Space Time AutoRegressive Moving Average (STARMA) Processes
startupmsg Utilities for Start-Up Messages
stashR A Set of Tools for Administering SHared Repositories
Stat2Data Datasets for Stat2
statar Tools Inspired by 'Stata' to Manipulate Tabular Data
statcheck Extract Statistics from Articles and Recompute P Values
StatDA Statistical Analysis for Environmental Data
StatDataML Read and Write StatDataML Files
statebins U.S. State Cartogram Heatmaps in R; an Alternative to Choropleth Maps for USA States
statfi statfi R tools
stationaRy Get Hourly Meteorological Data from Global Stations
StatMatch Statistical Matching
StatMeasures Easy Data Manipulation, Data Quality and Statistical Checks
StatMethRank Statistical Methods for Ranking Data
statmod Statistical Modeling
statnet Software Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Data
statnet.common Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software
statnetWeb A Graphical User Interface for Network Modeling with 'Statnet'
Statomica Statomica utility package
staTools Statistical Tools for Social Network Analysis
StatRank Statistical Rank Aggregation: Inference, Evaluation, and Visualization
statTarget Statistical Analysis of Metabolite Profile
STB Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds
stcov Stein's Covariance Estimator
stddiff Calculate the Standardized Difference for Numeric, Binary and Category Variables
stdReg Regression Standardization
steadyICA ICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate Distance Covariance
steepness Testing Steepness of Dominance Hierarchies
SteinIV Semi-Parametric Stein-Like Estimator with Instrumental Variables
stellaR stellar evolution tracks and isochrones
Stem Spatio-temporal models in R
stepp Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP)
stepPlr L2 penalized logistic regression with a stepwise variable selection
stepR Fitting Step-Functions
stepwise Stepwise detection of recombination breakpoints
StereoMorph Stereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction
stheoreme Klimontovich's S-Theorem Algorithm Implementation and Data Preparation Tools
STI Calculation of the Standardized Temperature Index
stilt Separable Gaussian Process Interpolation (Emulation)
stima Simultaneous Threshold Interaction Modeling Algorithm
stinepack Stineman, a consistently well behaved method of interpolation
stlplus Enhanced Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess
stm Estimation of the Structural Topic Model
stmBrowser Structural Topic Model Browser
stmCorrViz A Tool for Structural Topic Model Visualizations
STMedianPolish Spatio-Temporal Median Polish
StMoMo Stochastic Mortality Modelling
StMoSim Plots a QQ-Norm Plot with several Gaussian simulations
stocc Fit a Spatial Occupancy Model via Gibbs Sampling
stochprofML Stochastic Profiling using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
stochvol Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV) Models
StockChina Real-Time Stock Price & Volume in China Market
stockPortfolio Build stock models and analyze stock portfolios
stocks Fast Functions for Stock Market Analysis
stoichcalc R Functions for Solving Stoichiometric Equations
Storm Write Storm Bolts in R using the Storm Multi-Language Protocol
storr Simple Key Value Stores
stosim Stochastic Simulator for Reliability Modeling of Repairable Systems
STPGA Selection of Training Populations by Genetic Algorithm
stplanr Sustainable Transport Planning
stpm Stochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes
stpp Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and analysis
stppResid Perform residual analysis on space-time point process models
StrainRanking Ranking of pathogen strains
strap Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology
strataG Summaries and Population Structure Analyses of Genetic Data
stratification Univariate Stratification of Survey Populations
StratifiedBalancing Performs Stratified Covariate Balancing for Data with Discrete and Continuous Outcome Variables
stratigraph Toolkit for the plotting and analysis of stratigraphic and palaeontological data
StratSel Strategic Selection Estimator
straweib Stratified Weibull Regression Model
stream Infrastructure for Data Stream Mining
StreamMetabolism Calculate Single Station Metabolism from Diurnal Oxygen Curves
streamMOA Interface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms
streamR Access to Twitter Streaming API via R
stremo Functions to help the process of learning structural equation modelling
stressr Fetch and plot financial stress index and component data
StressStrength Computation and Estimation of Reliability of Stress-Strength Models
stringdist Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions
stringgaussnet PPI and Gaussian Network Construction from Transcriptomic Analysis Results Integrating a Multilevel Factor
stringi Character String Processing Facilities
stringr Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations
stripless Structured Trellis Displays Without Strips for Lattice Graphics
StroupGLMM R Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
strucchange Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes
structSSI Multiple Testing for Hypotheses with Hierarchical or Group Structure
strum STRUctural Modeling of Latent Variables for General Pedigree
strvalidator Process Control and Internal Validation of Forensic STR Kits
stsm Structural Time Series Models
stsm.class Class and Methods for Structural Time Series Models
stubthat Stubbing Framework for R
stylo Functions for a Variety of Stylometric Analyses
subcopem2D Bivariate Empirical Subcopula
SubCultCon Maximum-Likelihood Cultural Consensus Analysis with Sub-Cultures
subdetect Detect Subgroup with an Enhanced Treatment Effect
subgroup Methods for exploring treatment effect heterogeneity in subgroup analysis of clinical trials
SubLasso Gene selection using Lasso for Microarray data with user-defined genes fixed in model
SubpathwayGMir Identify Metabolic Subpathways Mediated by MicroRNAs
SubpathwayLNCE Identify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAs Based on ceRNA Theory
subplex Unconstrained Optimization using the Subplex Algorithm
subrank Computes Copula using Ranks and Subsampling
subscore SubScore Computing Functions in Classical Test Theory
subselect Selecting Variable Subsets
subsemble An Ensemble Method for Combining Subset-Specific Algorithm Fits
subspace Interface to OpenSubspace
subspaceMOA Interface to 'subspaceMOA'
subtype Cluster analysis to find molecular subtypes and their assessment
SubVis Visual Exploration of Protein Alignments Resulting from Multiple Substitution Matrices
sudoku Sudoku Puzzle Generator and Solver
sudokuAlt Tools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku Games
SUE Subsampling method
summarytools Dataframe Summaries, Frequency Tables and Numerical Summaries with Customizable Output
Sunder Quantification of the effect of geographic versus environmental isolation on genetic differentiation
SunterSampling Sunter's sampling design
supclust Supervised Clustering of Predictor Variables such as Genes
supcluster Supervised Cluster Analysis
superbiclust Generating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set (Ensemble Biclustering)
superdiag R Code for Testing Markov Chain Nonconvergence
SuperExactTest Exact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set Intersections
SuperLearner Super Learner Prediction
superMDS Implements the supervised multidimensional scaling (superMDS) proposal of Witten and Tibshirani (2011)
superpc Supervised principal components
SuperRanker Sequential Rank Agreement
SuppDists Supplementary Distributions
support.BWS Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Best-Worst Scaling
support.CEs Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments
supportInt Calculates Likelihood Support Intervals for Common Data Types
surface Fitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution
Surrogate Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
suRtex LaTeX descriptive statistic reporting for survey data
surv2sampleComp Inference for model-free between-group parameters for censored survival data
survAccuracyMeasures Estimate accuracy measures for risk prediction markers from survival data
survAUC Estimators of prediction accuracy for time-to-event data
survC1 C-statistics for risk prediction models with censored survival data
SurvCorr Correlation of Bivariate Survival Times
surveillance Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
survexp.fr Relative survival, AER and SMR based on French death rates
survey analysis of complex survey samples
surveybootstrap Tools for the Bootstrap with Survey Data
surveydata Tools to manipulate survey data
surveyeditor Generate a Survey that can be Completed by Survey Respondents
surveyoutliers Helps Manage Outliers in Sample Surveys
surveyplanning Survey Planning Tools
Survgini The Gini concentration test for survival data
survIDINRI IDI and NRI for comparing competing risk prediction models with censored survival data
survival Survival Analysis
survivalMPL Penalised Maximum Likelihood for Survival Analysis Models
survivalROC Time-dependent ROC curve estimation from censored survival data
survJamda Survival Prediction by Joint Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data
survJamda.data Data for Package 'survJambda'
SurvLong Analysis of Proportional Hazards Model with Sparse Longitudinal Covariates
survminer Drawing Survival Curves using 'ggplot2'
survMisc Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data
survPresmooth Presmoothed Estimation in Survival Analysis
SurvRank Rank Based Survival Modelling
survrec Survival analysis for recurrent event data
SurvRegCensCov Weibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censored Covariate
survRM2 Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Time
survsim Simulation of Simple and Complex Survival Data
survSNP Power Calculations for SNP Studies with Censored Outcomes
sValues Measures of the Sturdiness of Regression Coefficients
svapls Surrogate variable analysis using partial least squares in a gene expression study
svcm 2d and 3d Space-Varying Coefficient Models
svd Interfaces to Various State-of-Art SVD and Eigensolvers
svDialogs SciViews GUI API - Dialog boxes
svDialogstcltk SciViews GUI API - Dialog boxes using Tcl/Tk
svdvis Singular Value Decomposition Visualization
svdvisual SVD visualization tools
svglite An 'SVG' Graphics Device
svgPanZoom R 'Htmlwidget' to Add Pan and Zoom to Almost any R Graphic
svGUI SciViews GUI API - Functions to manage GUIs
svgViewR 3D Animated Interactive Visualizations Using SVG
svHttp SciViews GUI API - R HTTP server
svIDE SciViews GUI API - IDE and code editor functions
svKomodo SciViews GUI API - Functions to interface with Komodo Edit/IDE
svmadmm Linear/Nonlinear SVM Classification Solver Based on ADMM and IADMM Algorithms
svMisc SciViews GUI API - Miscellaneous functions
SVMMaj SVMMaj algorithm
SVMMatch Causal Effect Estimation and Diagnostics with Support Vector Machines
svmpath svmpath: the SVM Path algorithm
svs Tools for Semantic Vector Spaces
svSocket SciViews GUI API - R Socket Server
svSweave SciViews GUI API - Sweave functions
svTools SciViews GUI API - Tools (wrapper for packages tools and codetools)
svUnit SciViews GUI API - Unit testing
svWidgets SciViews GUI API - Widgets & Windows
SvyNom Nomograms for Right-Censored Outcomes from Survey Designs
svyPVpack A package for complex surveys including plausible values
swamp Visualization, analysis and adjustment of high-dimensional data in respect to sample annotations
SwarmSVM Ensemble Learning Algorithms Based on Support Vector Machines
SWATmodel A multi-OS implementation of the TAMU SWAT model
SweaveListingUtils Utilities for Sweave Together with TeX 'listings' Package
sweidnumbr Handling of Swedish Identity Numbers
swfscMisc Miscellaneous Functions for Southwest Fisheries Science Center
swirl Learn R, in R
swirlify A Toolbox for Writing 'swirl' Courses
SwissAir Air Quality Data of Switzerland for one year in 30 min Resolution
switchnpreg Switching nonparametric regression models for a single curve and functional data
switchr Installing, Managing, and Switching Between Distinct Sets of Installed Packages
switchrGist Publish Package Manifests to GitHub Gists
SWMPr Retrieving, Organizing, and Analyzing Estuary Monitoring Data
sybil Efficient Constrained Based Modelling in R
sybilccFBA Cost Constrained FLux Balance Analysis: MetabOlic Modeling with ENzyme kineTics (MOMENT)
sybilcycleFreeFlux Cycle-Free Flux Balance Analysis
sybilDynFBA Dynamic FBA : Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis
sybilEFBA Using Gene Expression Data to Improve Flux Balance Analysis Predictions
sybilSBML SBML Integration in Package 'Sybil'
symbolicDA Analysis of Symbolic Data
symbols Symbol plots
symmoments Symbolic central and noncentral moments of the multivariate normal distribution
synbreed Framework for the Analysis of Genomic Prediction Data using R
synbreedData Data for the Synbreed Package
synchronicity Boost Mutex Functionality in R
synchrony Methods for computing spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal statistics
SynchWave Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform
SyncMove Subsample Temporal Data to Synchronal Events and Compute the MCI
SYNCSA SYNCSA - Analysis of functional and phylogenetic patterns in metacommunities
SynergizeR Interface to The Synergizer service for translating between sets of biological identifiers
synergyfinder Calculate and Visualize Synergy Scores for Drug Combinations
SyNet Inference and Analysis of Sympatry Networks
synlik Synthetic Likelihood methods for intractable likelihoods
synRNASeqNet Synthetic RNA-Seq Network Generation and Mutual Information Estimates
Synth Synthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies
synthACS Synthetic Microdata and Spatial MicroSimulation Modeling for ACS Data
synthpop Generating Synthetic Versions of Sensitive Microdata for Statistical Disclosure Control
sysfonts Loading System Fonts into R
systemfit Estimating Systems of Simultaneous Equations
systemicrisk A Toolbox for Systemic Risk
syuzhet Extracts Sentiment and Sentiment-Derived Plot Arcs from Text