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face Fast Covariance Estimation for Sparse Functional Data
FacPad Bayesian Sparse Factor Analysis model for the inference of pathways responsive to drug treatment
FactMixtAnalysis Factor Mixture Analysis with covariates
FACTMLE Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis
FactoClass Combination of Factorial Methods and Cluster Analysis
factoextra Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses
FactoMineR Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
factorplot Graphical Presentation of Simple Contrasts
factorQR Bayesian quantile regression factor models
Factoshiny Perform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a Shiny Application
FACTscorer Scores the FACT and FACIT Family of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
factualR thin wrapper for the Factual.com server API
FADA Variable Selection for Supervised Classification in High Dimension
FAdist Distributions that are Sometimes Used in Hydrology
Fahrmeir Data from the Book "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models", First Edition, by Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz
fail File Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL)
FAiR Factor Analysis in R
faisalconjoint Faisal Conjoint Model: A New Approach to Conjoint Analysis
fakeR Simulates Data from a Data Frame of Different Variable Types
falcon Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Next-Generation Sequencing Data
falconx Finding Allele-Specific Copy Number in Whole-Exome Sequencing Data
fame Interface for FAME Time Series Database
FamEvent Simulation of Time-to-Event Family Data and Penetrance Estimation
Familias Probabilities for Pedigrees Given DNA Data
FAMILY A Convex Formulation for Modeling Interactions with Strong Heredity
FAmle Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Univariate Probability Distributions
FAMT Factor Analysis for Multiple Testing (FAMT) : simultaneous tests under dependence in high-dimensional data
fanc Penalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex Penalty
fANCOVA Nonparametric Analysis of Covariance
fancycut A Fancy Version of 'base::cut'
fanovaGraph Building Kriging Models from FANOVA Graphs
fanplot Visualisation of Sequential Probability Distributions Using Fan Charts
FAOSTAT Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
faoutlier Influential Case Detection Methods for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models
far Modelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes
faraway Functions and Datasets for Books by Julian Faraway
fArma ARMA Time Series Modelling
farsi Translate integers into persian
fAsianOptions EBM and Asian Option Valuation
fAssets Rmetrics - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets
fast Implementation of the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST)
fastAdaboost a Fast Implementation of Adaboost
FastBandChol Fast Estimation of a Covariance Matrix by Banding the Cholesky Factor
fastclime A Fast Solver for Parameterized LP Problems, Constrained L1 Minimization Approach to Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation and Dantzig Selector
fastcluster Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and Python
fastcox Lasso and elastic-net penalized Cox's regression in high dimensions models using the cocktail algorithm
fastdigest Fast, Low Memory-Footprint Digests of R Objects
fasteraster Raster Image Processing and Vector Recognition
fastGHQuad Fast Rcpp implementation of Gauss-Hermite quadrature
FastGP Efficiently Using Gaussian Processes with Rcpp and RcppEigen
fastGraph Fast Drawing and Shading of Graphs of Statistical Distributions
FastHCS Robust Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis
fastHICA Hierarchical Independent Component Analysis: a Multi-Scale Sparse Non-Orthogonal Data-Driven Basis
fastICA FastICA Algorithms to perform ICA and Projection Pursuit
FastImputation Learn from Training Data then Quickly Fill in Missing Data
FastKM A Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank Approximation
FastKNN Fast k-Nearest Neighbors
fastM Fast Computation of Multivariate M-estimators
fastmatch Fast match() function
FastPCS FastPCS Robust Fit of Multivariate Location and Scatter
fastpseudo Fast Pseudo Observations
fastR Foundations and Applications of Statistics Using R
FastRCS Fits the FastRCS Robust Multivariable Linear Regression Model
FastRWeb Fast Interactive Framework for Web Scripting Using R
fastSOM Fast Calculation of Spillover Measures
fasttime Fast Utility Function for Time Parsing and Conversion
fat2Lpoly Two-Locus Family-Based Association Test with Polytomic Outcome
FatTailsR Kiener Distributions and Fat Tails in Finance
favnums A Dataset of Favourite Numbers
FAwR Functions and Datasets for "Forest Analytics with R"
fBasics Rmetrics - Markets and Basic Statistics
fbati Gene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests for Nuclear Families
FBFsearch Algorithm for searching the space of Gaussian directed acyclic graphical models through moment fractional Bayes factors
FBN FISH Based Normalization and Copy Number inference of SNP microarray data
fBonds Bonds and Interest Rate Models
fbRads Analyzing and Managing Facebook Ads from R
fbRanks Association Football (Soccer) Ranking via Poisson Regression
fbroc Fast Algorithms to Bootstrap Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves
fcd Fused Community Detection
fCertificates Basics of Certificates and Structured Products Valuation
FCGR Fatigue Crack Growth in Reliability
fclust Fuzzy Clustering
FCMapper Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
FCNN4R Fast Compressed Neural Networks for R
fCopulae Rmetrics - Bivariate Dependence Structures with Copulae
fcros A Method to Search for Differentially Expressed Genes and to Detect Recurrent Chromosomal Copy Number Aberrations
FD Measuring functional diversity (FD) from multiple traits, and other tools for functional ecology
fda Functional Data Analysis
fdakma Functional Data Analysis: K-Mean Alignment
fdaMixed Functional data analysis in a mixed model framework
fdapace Functional Data Analysis and Empirical Dynamics
fdaPDE Functional Data Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Statistical Analysis of Functional and Spatial Data, Based on Regression with Partial Differential Regularizations
fdasrvf Elastic Functional Data Analysis
fdatest Interval Testing Procedure for Functional Data
fda.usc Functional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical Computing
FDboost Boosting Functional Regression Models
fdcov Analysis of Covariance Operators
FDGcopulas Multivariate Dependence with FDG Copulas
fdrci Permutation-based FDR Point and Confidence Interval Estimation
fdrDiscreteNull False Discovery Rate Procedure Under Discrete Null Distributions
FDRreg False discovery rate regression
FDRsampsize Compute Sample Size that Meets Requirements for Average Power and FDR
fdrtool Estimation of (Local) False Discovery Rates and Higher Criticism
fds Functional data sets
fdth Frequency Distribution Tables, Histograms and Polygons
FeaLect Scores Features for Feature Selection
feather R Bindings to the Feather 'API'
feature Local Inferential Feature Significance for Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation
FeatureHashing Creates a Model Matrix via Feature Hashing with a Formula Interface
features Feature Extraction for Discretely-Sampled Functional Data
fechner Fechnerian Scaling of Discrete Object Sets
FedData Functions to Automate Downloading Geospatial Data Available from Several Federated Data Sources
federalregister Client Package for the U.S. Federal Register API
FeedbackTS Analysis of Feedback in Time Series
FENmlm Fixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models
fermicatsR Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalogs
fExoticOptions Exotic Option Valuation
fExpressCertificates fExpressCertificates - Structured Products Valuation for ExpressCertificates/Autocallables
fExtremes Rmetrics - Extreme Financial Market Data
ff memory-efficient storage of large data on disk and fast access functions
ffbase Basic Statistical Functions for Package 'ff'
FFD Freedom from Disease
FField Force field simulation for a set of points
ffmanova Fifty-fifty MANOVA
FFTrees Generate, Visualise, and Compare Fast and Frugal Decision Trees
fftw Fast FFT and DCT based on FFTW
fftwtools Wrapper for FFTW3: Includes 1-D, Univariate and Multivariate, and 2-D Transform
fgac Generalized Archimedean Copula
FGalgorithm Flury and Gautschi algorithms
fGarch Rmetrics - Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Modelling
Fgmutils Forest Growth Model Utilities
FGN Fractional Gaussian Noise and power law decay time series model fitting
fgof Fast Goodness-of-fit Test
fgpt Floating Grid Permutation Technique
FGSG Feature Grouping and Selection Over an Undirected Graph
fgui Function GUI
fheatmap Fantastic Heatmap
FHtest Tests for Right and Interval-Censored Survival Data Based on the Fleming-Harrington Class
FI Provide functions for forest inventory calculations
FIACH Retrospective Noise Control for fMRI
fICA Classical, Reloaded and Adaptive FastICA Algorithms
fields Tools for Spatial Data
FieldSim Random Fields (and Bridges) Simulations
fiery A Lightweight and Flexible Web Framework
fifer A collection of miscellaneous functions
filehash Simple Key-Value Database
filehashSQLite Simple key-value database using SQLite
filematrix File-Backed Matrix Class with Convenient Read and Write Access
filenamer Easy Management of File Names
fImport Rmetrics - Economic and Financial Data Import
financial Solving financial problems in R
FinancialInstrument Financial Instrument Model Infrastructure for R
FinAsym Classifies implicit trading activity from market quotes and computes the probability of informed trading
FinCal Time Value of Money, Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance
FinCovRegularization Covariance Matrix Estimation and Regularization for Finance
FindAllRoots Find all root(s) of the equation and Find root(s) of the equation by dichotomy
FindIt Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
FindMinIC Find Models with Minimum IC
findpython Python tools to find an acceptable python binary
fingerprint Functions to operate on binary fingerprint data
finiteruinprob Computation of the probability of ruin within a finite time horizon
finreportr Financial Data from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
FinTS Companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series
FisherEM The Fisher-EM algorithm
fisheyeR Fisheye and Hyperbolic-space-alike Interactive Visualization Tools in R
FisHiCal Iterative FISH-based Calibration of Hi-C Data
fishmethods Fishery Science Methods and Models in R
fishMod Fits Poisson-sum-of-Gammas GLMs, Tweedie GLMs, and delta log-normal mdoels
fishmove Prediction of Fish Movement Parameters
FIT Transcriptomic Dynamics Models in Field Conditions
fit4NM NONMEM platform
FitAR Subset AR Model Fitting
FitARMA FitARMA: Fit ARMA or ARIMA using fast MLE algorithm
fitbitScraper Scrapes Data from Fitbit
fitcoach Personalized Coach for Fitbit and R API
fitdistrplus Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data
fitDRC Fitting Density Ratio Classes
fit.models fit.models
FITSio FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) utilities
fitTetra fitTetra is an R package for assigning tetraploid genotype scores
FKF Fast Kalman Filter
flacco Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constraint Optimization Problems
flam Fits Piecewise Constant Models with Data-Adaptive Knots
flan FLuctuation ANalysis on Mutation Models
flare Family of Lasso Regression
flars Functional LARS
flashClust Implementation of optimal hierarchical clustering
flexclust Flexible Cluster Algorithms
flexCWM Flexible Cluster-Weighted Modeling
flexdashboard R Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards
flexmix Flexible Mixture Modeling
FlexParamCurve Tools to Fit Flexible Parametric Curves
flexPM Flexible Parametric Models for Censored and Truncated Data
flexrsurv Flexible Relative Survival
flexsurv Flexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models
FLIM Farewell’s Linear Increments Model
flip Multivariate Permutation Tests
FLLat Fused Lasso Latent Feature Model
flora Tools for Interacting with the Brazilian Flora 2020
flowDiv Cytometric Diversity Indices from 'FlowJo' Workspaces
flower Tools for characterizing flowering traits
flowfield Forecasts future values of a univariate time series
flowr Streamlining Design and Deployment of Complex Workflows
flows Flow Selection and Analysis
FlowScreen Daily Streamflow Trend and Change Point Screening
FLR Fuzzy Logic Rule Classifier
flsa Path algorithm for the general Fused Lasso Signal Approximator
FLSSS Multithreaded Fixed Size Subset Sum with Bounded Error in Multidimensional Real Domain
Flury Data Sets from Flury, 1997
flux Flux rate calculation from dynamic closed chamber measurements
fma Data Sets from "Forecasting: Methods and Applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (1998)
FME A Flexible Modelling Environment for Inverse Modelling, Sensitivity, Identifiability, Monte Carlo Analysis
FMP Filtered Monotonic Polynomial IRT Models
fmri Analysis of fMRI experiments
fmrs Variable Selection in Finite Mixture of AFT Regression and FMR
fmsb Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data
FMsmsnReg Regression Models with Finite Mixtures of Skew Heavy-Tailed Errors
FMStable Finite Moment Stable Distributions
fmt Variance estimation of FMT method (Fully Moderated t-statistic)
fMultivar Rmetrics - Analysing and Modeling Multivariate Financial Return Distributions
FNN Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications
fNonlinear Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling
foba greedy variable selection
fontcm Computer Modern font for use with extrafont package
foodweb visualisation and analysis of food web networks
fOptions Rmetrics - Pricing and Evaluating Basic Options
forams Foraminifera and Community Ecology Analyses
foreach Provides Foreach Looping Construct for R
ForeCA Forecastable Component Analysis
forecast Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models
ForecastCombinations Forecast Combinations
forecastHybrid Convenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series Forecasts
forecTheta Forecasting Time Series by Theta Models
forega Floating-Point Genetic Algorithms with Statistical Forecast Based Inheritance Operator
foreign Read Data Stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, Weka, dBase, ...
forensic Statistical Methods in Forensic Genetics
forensim Statistical tools for the interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures
forestFloor Visualizes Random Forests with Feature Contributions
forestinventory Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories
forestmodel Forest Plots from Regression Models
forestplot Advanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' Graphics
ForImp Imputation of Missing Values Through a Forward Imputation Algorithm
ForIT Functions from the 2nd Italian Forest Inventory (INFC)
FormalSeries Elementary arithemtic in formal series rings
formatR Format R Code Automatically
formattable Formattable Data Structures
Formula Extended Model Formulas
formula.tools Utilities for Formulas, Expressions, Calls and Other Objects
fortunes R Fortunes
forward Forward search
ForwardSearch Forward Search using asymptotic theory
fossil Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis Tools
fourierin Computes Numeric Fourier Integrals
fourPNO Bayesian 4 Parameter Item Response Model
FourScores FourScores - A game for two players
fpc Flexible Procedures for Clustering
fpca Restricted MLE for Functional Principal Components Analysis
fpCompare Reliable Comparison of Floating Point Numbers
FPDclustering PD-Clustering and Factor PD-Clustering
fPortfolio Rmetrics - Portfolio Selection and Optimization
fpow Computing the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F distribution
fpp Data for "Forecasting: principles and practice"
fptdApprox Approximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for Diffusion Processes
fracdiff Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
fracprolif Fraction Proliferation via a Quiescent Growth Model
fractal Fractal Time Series Modeling and Analysis
fractaldim Estimation of fractal dimensions
FractalParameterEstimation Estimation of Parameters p and q for Randomized Sierpinski Carpet for [p-p-p-q]-Model
fractalrock Generate fractal time series with non-normal returns distribution
FRACTION Numeric number into fraction
fractional Vulgar Fractions in R
Fragman Fragment Analysis in R
frailtyHL Frailty Models via H-likelihood
frailtypack General Frailty Models: Shared, Joint and Nested Frailty Models with Prediction
frailtySurv General Semiparametric Shared Frailty Model
frair Tools for Functional Response Analysis
Frames2 Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys
franc Detect the Language of Text
FRAPO Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimisation with R
FRB Fast and Robust Bootstrap
frbs Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks
FRCC Fast Regularized Canonical Correlation Analysis
freeknotsplines Free-Knot Splines
FreeSortR Free Sorting Data Analysis
freestats Statistical algorithms used in common data mining course
FREGAT Family REGional Association Tests
fRegression Rmetrics - Regression Based Decision and Prediction
FREQ FREQ: Estimate population size from capture frequencies
freqdom Frequency Domain Analysis for Multivariate Time Series
freqMAP Frequency Moving Average Plots (MAP) of Multinomial Data by a Continuous Covariate
freqparcoord Novel Methods for Parallel Coordinates
FreqProf Frequency Profiles Computing and Plotting
freqweights Working with Frequency Tables
FRESA.CAD Feature Selection Algorithms for Computer Aided Diagnosis
FrF2 Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors
FrF2.catlg128 Catalogues of resolution IV 128 run 2-level fractional factorials up to 33 factors that do have 5-letter words
frm Regression Analysis of Fractional Responses
frmhet Regression Analysis of Fractional Responses Under Unobserved Heterogeneity
frmpd Regression Analysis of Panel Fractional Responses
frmqa The Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution, Related Distributions and Their Applications in Finance
fromo Fast Robust Moments
frontier Stochastic Frontier Analysis
frontiles Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis
frt Full Randomization Test
FSA Simple Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods
FSAdata Data to Support Fish Stock Assessment (FSA) Package
fscaret Automated Feature Selection from 'caret'
FSelector Selecting Attributes
fsia Import and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScanner
FSInteract Fast Searches for Interactions
fslr Wrapper Functions for FSL (FMRIB Software Library) from Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB)
fso Fuzzy Set Ordination
fSRM Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")
FTICRMS Programs for Analyzing Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Data
ftnonpar Features and Strings for Nonparametric Regression
fTrading Technical Trading Analysis
fts R interface to tslib (a time series library in c++)
ftsa Functional Time Series Analysis
ftsspec Spectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional Time Series
fueleconomy EPA fuel economy data
fugeR FUzzy GEnetic, a machine learning algorithm to construct prediction model based on fuzzy logic
fullfact Full Factorial Breeding Analysis
fulltext Full Text of 'Scholarly' Articles Across Many Data Sources
fun Use R for Fun
FunChisq Chi-Square and Exact Tests for Non-Parametric Functional Dependencies
FunCluster Functional Profiling of Microarray Expression Data
Funclustering A package for functional data clustering
FuncMap Hive Plots of R Package Function Calls
functional Curry, Compose, and other higher-order functions
FunctionalNetworks An algorithm for gene and gene set network inference
functools Functional Programming in R
funcy Functional Clustering Algorithms
funData An S4 Class for Functional Data
funFEM Clustering in the Discriminative Functional Subspace
fungible Fungible Coefficients and Monte Carlo Functions
funHDDC Model-based clustering in group-specific functional subspaces
fUnitRoots Trends and Unit Roots
funModeling Learning Data Cleaning, Visual Analysis and Model Performance
funr Simple Utility Providing Terminal Access to all R Functions
funrar Functional Rarity Indices Computation
funreg funreg (Functional Regression for Irregularly Timed Data)
FUNTA Functional Tangential Angle Pseudo-Depth
funtimes Functions for Time Series Analysis
FusedPCA Community Detection via Fused Principal Component Analysis
futile.any A Tiny Utility Providing Polymorphic Operations
futile.logger A Logging Utility for R
futile.matrix Random Matrix Generation and Manipulation
futile.options Futile options management
futile.paradigm A framework for working in a functional programming paradigm in R
future A Future API for R
future.BatchJobs A Future for BatchJobs
futureheatwaves Find, Characterize, and Explore Heat Waves in Climate Projections
fuzzr Fuzz-Test R Functions
FuzzyAHP (Fuzzy) AHP Calculation
fuzzyFDR Exact calculation of fuzzy decision rules for multiple testing
fuzzyforest Fuzzy Forests
fuzzyjoin Join Tables Together on Inexact Matching
FuzzyLP Fuzzy Linear Programming
FuzzyNumbers Tools to Deal with Fuzzy Numbers
fuzzyRankTests Fuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals
FuzzyStatProb Fuzzy Stationary Probabilities from a Sequence of Observations of an Unknown Markov Chain
FuzzyToolkitUoN Type 1 Fuzzy Logic Toolkit
fwdmsa Forward search for Mokken scale analysis
FWDselect Selecting Variables in Regression Models
fwi.fbp Fire Weather Index System and Fire Behaviour Prediction System Calculations
fwsim Fisher-Wright Population Simulation
fxregime Exchange Rate Regime Analysis