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A3 Accurate, Adaptable, and Accessible Error Metrics for Predictive Models
abbyyR Access to Abbyy Optical Character Recognition (OCR) API
abc Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
ABCanalysis Computed ABC Analysis
abc.data Data Only: Tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
abcdeFBA ABCDE_FBA: A-Biologist-Can-Do-Everything of Flux Balance Analysis with this package
ABCoptim Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization
ABCp2 Approximate Bayesian Computational Model for Estimating P2
abcrf Approximate Bayesian Computation via Random Forests
abctools Tools for ABC Analyses
abd The Analysis of Biological Data
abf2 Load Gap-Free Axon ABF2 Files
ABHgenotypeR Easy Visualization of ABH Genotypes
abind Combine Multidimensional Arrays
abn Modelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian Networks
abodOutlier Angle-Based Outlier Detection
AbsFilterGSEA Improved False Positive Control of Gene-Permuting GSEA with Absolute Filtering
abundant Abundant regression and high-dimensional principal fitted components
ACA Abrupt Change-Point or Aberration Detection in Point Series
acc Functions for Processing and Analyzing Accelerometer Data
accelerometry Functions for Processing Minute-to-Minute Accelerometer Data
accelmissing Missing Value Imputation for Accelerometer Data
AcceptanceSampling Creation and Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling Plans
ACCLMA ACC & LMA Graph Plotting
accrual Bayesian Accrual Prediction
accrued Data Quality Visualization Tools for Partially Accruing Data
ACD Categorical data analysis with complete or missing responses
ACDm Tools for Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models
acepack ace() and avas() for selecting regression transformations
ACEt Estimating Dynamic Heritability and Twin Model Comparison
acid Analysing Conditional Income Distributions
acm4r Align-and-Count Method comparisons of RFLP data
acmeR Implements ACME Estimator of Bird and Bat Mortality by Wind Turbines
ACNE Affymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
acnr Annotated Copy-Number Regions
acopula Modelling dependence with multivariate Archimax (or any user-defined continuous) copulas
acp Autoregressive Conditional Poisson
aCRM Convenience functions for analytical Customer Relationship Management
acs Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census
ACSNMineR Gene Enrichment Analysis from ACSN Maps or GMT Files
acss Algorithmic Complexity for Short Strings
acss.data Data Only: Algorithmic Complexity of Short Strings (Computed via Coding Theorem Method)
ACSWR A Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R"
ACTCD Asymptotic Classification Theory for Cognitive Diagnosis
Actigraphy Actigraphy Data Analysis
activity Animal Activity Statistics
activpalProcessing Process activPAL Events Files
actuar Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions
ActuDistns Functions for actuarial scientists
ada The R Package Ada for Stochastic Boosting
adabag Applies Multiclass AdaBoost.M1, SAMME and Bagging
adagio Discrete and Global Optimization Routines
AdapEnetClass A Class of Adaptive Elastic Net Methods for Censored Data
adaptDA Adaptive Mixture Discriminant Analysis
AdaptFit Adaptive Semiparametic Regression
AdaptFitOS Adaptive Semiparametric Regression with Simultaneous Confidence Bands
AdaptGauss Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
AdaptiveSparsity Adaptive Sparsity Models
adaptivetau Tau-leaping stochastic simulation
adaptMCMC Implementation of a generic adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain sampler
adaptsmoFMRI Adaptive Smoothing of FMRI Data
adaptTest Adaptive two-stage tests
addhaz Binomial and Multinomial Additive Hazards Models
addhazard Fit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis
addinslist Discover and Install Useful RStudio Addins
additivityTests Additivity Tests in the Two Way Anova with Single Sub-class Numbers
addreg Additive Regression for Discrete Data
ADDT A Package for Analysis of Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Data
ade4 Analysis of Ecological Data : Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences
ade4TkGUI 'ade4' Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface
adegenet Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
adegraphics An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data
adehabitat Analysis of Habitat Selection by Animals
adehabitatHR Home Range Estimation
adehabitatHS Analysis of Habitat Selection by Animals
adehabitatLT Analysis of Animal Movements
adehabitatMA Tools to Deal with Raster Maps
adephylo adephylo: exploratory analyses for the phylogenetic comparative method
AdequacyModel Adequacy of Probabilistic Models and General Purpose Optimization
adespatial Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis
ADGofTest Anderson-Darling GoF test
adhoc calculate ad hoc distance thresholds for DNA barcoding identification
adimpro Adaptive Smoothing of Digital Images
adlift An adaptive lifting scheme algorithm
ADM3 An Interpretation of the ADM method - automated detection algorithm
AdMit Adaptive Mixture of Student-t distributions
admixturegraph Admixture Graph Manipulation and Fitting
ADMMnet Regularized Model with Selecting the Number of Non-Zeros
ADPclust Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
ads Spatial point patterns analysis
AdvBinomApps Upper Clopper-Pearson Confidence Limits for Burn-in Studies under Additional Available Information
adwave Wavelet Analysis of Genomic Data from Admixed Populations
AEDForecasting Change Point Analysis in ARIMA Forecasting
aemo Download and process AEMO price and demand data
AER Applied Econometrics with R
AF Model-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted Attributable Fractions
afex Analysis of Factorial Experiments
AFLPsim Hybrid Simulation and Genome Scan for Dominant Markers
AFM Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis
after Run Code in the Background
aftgee Accelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
AGD Analysis of Growth Data
AggregateR Aggregate Numeric, Date and Categorical Variables by an ID
agop Aggregation Operators and Preordered Sets
agRee Various Methods for Measuring Agreement
Agreement Statistical Tools for Measuring Agreement
agricolae Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
agridat Agricultural Datasets
agrmt Calculate Agreement or Consensus in Ordered Rating Scales
AGSDest Estimation in Adaptive Group Sequential Trials
agsemisc Miscellaneous plotting and utility functions
ahaz Regularization for semiparametric additive hazards regression
ahp Analytic Hierarchy Process
AHR Estimation and Testing of Average Hazard Ratios
AICcmodavg Model Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c)
AID Estimation of Box-Cox Power Transformation Parameter
aidar Tools for reading AIDA (http://aida.freehep.org/) files into R
AIM AIM: adaptive index model
aimPlot Create Pie Like Plot for Completeness
Ake Associated Kernel Estimations
akima Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data
akmeans Adaptive Kmeans algorithm based on threshold
alabama Constrained Nonlinear Optimization
alakazam Immunoglobulin Clonal Lineage and Diversity Analysis
ald The Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
ALDqr Quantile Regression Using Asymmetric Laplace Distribution
aLFQ Estimating Absolute Protein Quantities from Label-Free LC-MS/MS Proteomics Data
AlgDesign Algorithmic Experimental Design
AlgebraicHaploPackage Haplotype Two Snips Out of a Paired Group of Patients
algstat Algebraic statistics in R
AlignStat Comparison of Alternative Multiple Sequence Alignments
alineR Alignment of Phonetic Sequences Using the 'ALINE' Algorithm
ALKr Generate Age-Length Keys for fish populations
allan Automated Large Linear Analysis Node
allanvar Allan Variance Analysis
alleHap Allele Imputation and Haplotype Reconstruction from Pedigree Databases
allelematch Identifying unique multilocus genotypes where genotyping error and missing data may be present
AlleleRetain Allele Retention, Inbreeding, and Demography
allelic A fast, unbiased and exact allelic exact test
AllPossibleSpellings Computes all of a word's possible spellings
alm R Client for the Lagotto Altmetrics Platform
alphahull Generalization of the Convex Hull of a Sample of Points in the Plane
alphaOutlier Obtain Alpha-Outlier Regions for Well-Known Probability Distributions
alphashape3d Implementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of 3D Sets from a Point Cloud
alr3 Data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 3rd edition
alr4 Data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 4rd edition
ALS Multivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS)
ALSCPC Accelerated line search algorithm for simultaneous orthogonal transformation of several positive definite symmetric matrices to nearly diagonal form
altmeta Alternative Meta-Analysis Methods
ALTopt Optimal Experimental Designs for Accelerated Life Testing
amap Another Multidimensional Analysis Package
AMAP.Seq Compare Gene Expressions from 2-Treatment RNA-Seq Experiments
AMCP A Multiple Comparison Perspective
ameco European Commission Annual Macro-Economic (AMECO) Database
amei Adaptive Management of Epidemiological Interventions
Amelia A Program for Missing Data
amen Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data
AmericanCallOpt This package includes pricing function for selected American call options with underlying assets that generate payouts
AMGET Post-processing tool for ADAPT 5
aml Adaptive Mixed LASSO
AMOEBA A Multidirectional Optimum Ecotope-Based Algorithm
AMORE A MORE flexible neural network package
AmostraBrasil Generates Samples or Complete List of Brazilian IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia e Estatistica) Census Households, Geocoding it by Google Maps
AmpliconDuo Statistical Analysis of Amplicon Data of the Same Sample to Identify Artefacts
anacor Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis
analogsea Interface to 'Digital Ocean'
analogue Analogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology
analogueExtra Additional Functions for Use with the Analogue Package
analyz Model Layer for Automatic Data Analysis via CSV File Interpretation
AnalyzeFMRI Functions for analysis of fMRI datasets stored in the ANALYZE or NIFTI format
AnalyzeTS Analyze (Fuzzy) Time Series
anapuce Tools for microarray data analysis
AncestryMapper Assigning Ancestry Based on Population References
anchors Statistical analysis of surveys with anchoring vignettes
AnDE An extended Bayesian Learning Technique developed by Dr. Geoff Webb
andrews Andrews curves
anesrake ANES Raking Implementation
anfis Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System in R
AnglerCreelSurveySimulation Simulate a Bus Route Creel Survey of Anglers
animalTrack Animal track reconstruction for high frequency 2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional (3D) movement data
animation A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations
anim.plots Simple Animated Plots For R
ANLP Build Text Prediction Model
AnnotLists AnnotLists: A tool to annotate multiple lists from a specific annotation file
anoint Analysis of Interactions
ANOM Analysis of Means
anominate alpha-NOMINATE Ideal Point Estimator
anonymizer Anonymize Data Containing Personally Identifiable Information
AntAngiCool AntiAngiogenic
AnthropMMD A GUI for Mean Measures of Divergence
Anthropometry Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data
antitrust Tools for Antitrust Practitioners
AntWeb programmatic interface to the AntWeb
aod Analysis of Overdispersed Data
aods3 Analysis of Overdispersed Data using S3 methods
aoos Another Object Orientation System
aop Adverse Outcome Pathway Analysis
aoristic aoristic analysis with spatial output (kml)
ApacheLogProcessor Process the Apache Web Server Log Combined Files
apaStyle Generate APA Tables for MS Word
apaTables Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
apc Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
apcluster Affinity Propagation Clustering
ape Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
apex Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
aplore3 Datasets from Hosmer, Lemeshow and Sturdivant, "Applied Logistic Regression" (3rd ed.)
aplpack Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R, plotsummary, plothulls, and some slider functions
apmsWAPP Pre- and Postprocessing for AP-MS data analysis based on spectral counts
appell Compute Appell's F1 hypergeometric function
apple Approximate Path for Penalized Likelihood Estimators
AppliedPredictiveModeling Functions and Data Sets for 'Applied Predictive Modeling'
appnn Amyloid Propensity Prediction Neural Network
approximator Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes
aprean3 Datasets from Draper and Smith "Applied Regression Analysis" (3rd Ed., 1998)
apricom Tools for the a Priori Comparison of Regression Modelling Strategies
aprof Amdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy
APSIM General Utility Functions for the 'Agricultural Production Systems Simulator'
APSIMBatch Analysis the output of Apsim software
apsimr Edit, Run and Evaluate APSIM Simulations Easily Using R
apsrtable apsrtable model-output formatter for social science
apt Asymmetric Price Transmission
APtools Average Positive Predictive Values (AP) for Binary Outcomes and Censored Event Times
apTreeshape Analyses of Phylogenetic Treeshape
aqfig Functions to help display air quality model output and monitoring data
aqp Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology
aqr Interface methods to use with an ActiveQuant Master Server
AquaEnv AquaEnv - an integrated development toolbox for aquatic chemical model generation
AR1seg Segmentation of an autoregressive Gaussian process of order 1
arabicStemR Arabic Stemmer for Text Analysis
ArArRedux Rigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39 Data
ARCensReg Fitting Univariate Censored Linear Regression Model with Autoregressive Errors
archdata Example Datasets from Archaeological Research
archetypes Archetypal Analysis
archiDART Plant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSML Files
archivist Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects
archivist.github Tools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHub
ArDec Time series autoregressive-based decomposition
arf3DS4 Activated Region Fitting, fMRI data analysis (3D)
arfima Fractional ARIMA (and Other Long Memory) Time Series Modeling
ArfimaMLM Arfima-MLM Estimation For Repeated Cross-Sectional Data
argosfilter Argos locations filter
argparse Command line optional and positional argument parser
argparser Command-Line Argument Parser
ArgumentCheck Improved Communication to Users with Respect to Problems in Function Arguments
arm Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
arnie "Arnie" box office records 1982-2014
aroma.affymetrix Analysis of Large Affymetrix Microarray Data Sets
aroma.apd A Probe-Level Data File Format Used by 'aroma.affymetrix' [deprecated]
aroma.cn Copy-Number Analysis of Large Microarray Data Sets
aroma.core Core Methods and Classes Used by 'aroma.*' Packages Part of the Aroma Framework
ARPobservation Tools for Simulating Direct Behavioral Observation Recording Procedures Based on Alternating Renewal Processes
aRpsDCA Arps Decline Curve Analysis in R
arrApply Apply a Function to a Margin of an Array
ArrayBin Binarization of numeric data arrays
arrayhelpers Convenience Functions for Arrays
ars Adaptive Rejection Sampling
ART Aligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial Analysis
artfima ARTFIMA Model Estimation
ARTIVA Time-Varying DBN Inference with the ARTIVA (Auto Regressive TIme VArying) Model
ARTool Aligned Rank Transform
ARTP Gene and Pathway p-values computed using the Adaptive Rank Truncated Product
ARTP2 Pathway and Gene-Level Association Test
arules Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
arulesNBMiner Mining NB-Frequent Itemsets and NB-Precise Rules
arulesSequences Mining Frequent Sequences
arulesViz Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
aRxiv Interface to the arXiv API
asaur Data Sets for "Applied Survival Analysis Using R""
asbio A Collection of Statistical Tools for Biologists
ascii Export R objects to several markup languages
as.color Assign Random Colors to Unique Items in a Vector
asd Simulations for Adaptive Seamless Designs
asdreader Reading ASD Binary Files in R
ash David Scott's ASH Routines
asht Applied Statistical Hypothesis Tests
AsioHeaders 'Asio' C++ Header Files
ASMap Linkage Map Construction using the MSTmap Algorithm
asnipe Animal Social Network Inference and Permutations for Ecologists
aspace A collection of functions for estimating centrographic statistics and computational geometries for spatial point patterns
ASPBay Bayesian Inference on Causal Genetic Variants using Affected Sib-Pairs Data
aspect A General Framework for Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling
aSPU Adaptive Sum of Powered Score Test
asremlPlus Augments the Use of 'Asreml' in Fitting Mixed Models
assertive Readable Check Functions to Ensure Code Integrity
assertive.base A Lightweight Core of the 'assertive' Package
assertive.code Assertions to Check Properties of Code
assertive.data Assertions to Check Properties of Data
assertive.data.uk Assertions to Check Properties of Strings
assertive.data.us Assertions to Check Properties of Strings
assertive.datetimes Assertions to Check Properties of Dates and Times
assertive.files Assertions to Check Properties of Files
assertive.matrices Assertions to Check Properties of Matrices
assertive.models Assertions to Check Properties of Models
assertive.numbers Assertions to Check Properties of Numbers
assertive.properties Assertions to Check Properties of Variables
assertive.reflection Assertions for Checking the State of R
assertive.sets Assertions to Check Properties of Sets
assertive.strings Assertions to Check Properties of Strings
assertive.types Assertions to Check Types of Variables
assertr Assertive Programming for R Analysis Pipelines
assertthat Easy pre and post assertions
AssetPricing Optimal pricing of assets with fixed expiry date
assist A Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing Techniques
ASSISTant Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials
AssocTests Genetic Association Studies
assortnet Calculate the Assortativity Coefficient of Weighted and Binary Networks
AssotesteR Statistical Tests for Genetic Association Studies
aster Aster Models
aster2 Aster Models
astro Astronomy Functions, Tools and Routines
astrochron A Computational Tool for Astrochronology
astrodatR Astronomical Data
astroFns Astronomy: time and position functions, misc. utilities
astrolibR Astronomy Users Library
astsa Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis
asVPC Average Shifted Visual Predictive Checks
asymLD Asymmetric Linkage Disequilibrium (ALD) for Polymorphic Genetic Data
asymmetry The Slide-Vector Model for Multidimensional Scaling of Asymmetric Data
asympTest Asymptotic statistic
AsynchLong Regression Analysis of Sparse Asynchronous Longitudinal Data
asypow Calculate Power Utilizing Asymptotic Likelihood Ratio Methods
ATE Inference for Average Treatment Effects using Covariate Balancing
AtelieR A GTK GUI for teaching basic concepts in statistical inference, and doing elementary bayesian tests
atmcmc Automatically Tuned Markov Chain Monte Carlo
ATmet Advanced Tools for Metrology
AtmRay Acoustic Traveltime Calculations for 1-D Atmospheric Models
aTSA Alternative Time Series Analysis
atsd Support Querying Axibase Time-Series Database
attribrisk Population Attributable Risk
AUC Threshold independent performance measures for probabilistic classifiers
aucm AUC Maximization
AUCRF Variable Selection with Random Forest and the Area Under the Curve
audio Audio Interface for R
audiolyzR audiolyzR: Give your data a listen
audit Bounds for Accounting Populations
auRoc Various Methods to Estimate the AUC
AUtests Approximate Unconditional and Permutation Tests
autoencoder Sparse Autoencoder for Automatic Learning of Representative Features from Unlabeled Data
autoimage Enhanced Image Plots
automap Automatic interpolation package
AutoModel Automated Hierarchical Multiple Regression with Assumptions Checking
autopls Partial Least Squares Regression with Backward Selection of Predictors
AutoregressionMDE Minimum Distance Estimation in Autoregressive Model
AutoSEARCH General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling
autoSEM Performs Specification Search in Structural Equation Models
autovarCore Automated Vector Autoregression Models and Networks
averisk Calculation of Average Population Attributable Fractions and Confidence Intervals
aws Adaptive Weights Smoothing
aws.alexa Client for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API
awsMethods Class and Methods Definitions for Packages 'aws', 'adimpro', 'fmri' and 'dti'
aws.signature Amazon Web Services Request Signatures
aylmer A generalization of Fisher's exact test
AzureML Interface with Azure Machine Learning Datasets, Experiments and Web Services