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D2C Predicting Causal Direction from Dependency Features
d3heatmap Interactive Heat Maps Using 'htmlwidgets' and 'D3.js'
D3M Two Sample Test with Wasserstein Metric
d3Network Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R
DAAG Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions
DAAGbio Data Sets and Functions, for demonstrations with expression arrays and gene sequences
DAAGxtras Data Sets and Functions, supplementary to DAAG
dad Three-Way Data Analysis Through Densities
dae Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments
daewr Design and Analysis of Experiments with R
daff Diff, Patch and Merge for Data.frames
dafs Data analysis for forensic scientists
dagbag Learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) through bootstrap aggregating
DAGGER Consensus genetic maps
dagitty Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models
dagR R functions for directed acyclic graphs
Daim Diagnostic accuracy of classification models
DAISIE Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
DAKS Data Analysis and Knowledge Spaces
DALY DALY Calculator - A GUI for stochastic DALY calculation in R
dam Data Analysis Metabolomics
DAMisc Dave Armstrong's Miscellaneous Functions
DAMOCLES Dynamic Assembly Model of Colonization, Local Extinction and Speciation
dams Dams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams (NID)
DandEFA Dandelion Plot for R-Mode Exploratory Factor Analysis
darch Package for Deep Architectures and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Dark The Analysis of Dark Adaptation Data
darts Statistical Tools to Analyze Your Darts Game
dashboard Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js
DatABEL File-Based Access to Large Matrices Stored on HDD in Binary Format
datacheck Tools for Checking Data Consistency
datacheckr Data Checking
DataClean Data Cleaning
DataCombine Tools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data Sets
datadr Divide and Recombine for Large, Complex Data
DataExplorer Data Explorer
dataframes2xls dataframes2xls writes data frames to xls files
datafsm Estimating Finite State Machine Models from Data
DataLoader Import Multiple File Types
datamap A system for mapping foreign objects to R variables and environments
datamart Unified access to your data sources
dataonderivatives Easily Source Publicly Available Data on Derivatives
dataone R Interface to the DataONE REST API
datapack A Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data and Associated Resources
dataQualityR Performs variable level data quality checks and generates summary statistics
dataRetrieval Retrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrologic and Water Quality Data
datarobot DataRobot Predictive Modeling API
datastepr An Implementation of a SAS-Style Data Step
data.table Extension of Data.frame
data.tree General Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure
datautils Support functions for packages VBmix, semisupKernelPCA, and patchPlot
dataview Data and Workspace Browser for Terminals
date Functions for handling dates
DATforDCEMRI Deconvolution Analysis Tool for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
dave Functions for "Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology"
Davies The Davies Quantile Function
dawai Discriminant Analysis with Additional Information
dbarts Discrete Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Sampler
dbConnect Provides a graphical user interface to connect with databases that use MySQL
dbEmpLikeGOF Goodness-of-fit and two sample comparison tests using sample entropy
dbEmpLikeNorm Test for joint assessment of normality
DBEST Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend
DBGSA methods of distance-based gene set functional enrichment analysis
DBI R Database Interface
DBItest Testing 'DBI' Back Ends
DBKGrad Discrete Beta Kernel Graduation of Mortality Data
dblcens Compute the NPMLE of distribution from doubly censored data
dbmss Distance-Based Measures of Spatial Structures
dbscan Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms
dbstats Distance-Based Statistics
DCchoice Analyzing Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data
dcemriS4 A Package for Image Analysis of DCE-MRI (S4 Implementation)
DCG Data Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find Community Structure in Social Network Analysis
DCGL Differential Co-expression Analysis and Differential Regulation Analysis of Gene Expression Microarray Data
dcGOR Analysis of Ontologies and Protein Domain Annotations
dChipIO Methods for Reading dChip Files
DCL Claims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model
dclone Data Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood Methods
DCluster Functions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases
dcmle Hierarchical Models Made Easy with Data Cloning
dcmr Attribute profile estimation using Diagnostic Classification Models and MCMC
DCODE List Linear n-Peptide Constraints for Overlapping Protein Regions
dCovTS Distance Covariance and Correlation for Time Series Analysis
dcv Conventional Cross-validation statistics for climate-growth model
ddalpha Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth
DDD Diversity-Dependent Diversification
ddeploy Wrapper for the Duke Deploy REST API
DDHFm Variance Stabilization by Data-Driven Haar-Fisz (for Microarrays)
DDIwR DDI with R
ddpcr Analysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R and on the Web
ddR Distributed Data Structures in R
DDRTree Learning Principal Graphs with DDRTree
ddst Data Driven Smooth Tests
deal Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables
deamer Deconvolution density estimation with adaptive methods for a variable prone to measurement error
debug MVB's debugger for R
DECIDE DEComposition of Indirect and Direct Effects
decision Statistical Decision Analysis
DecisionCurve Calculate and Plot Decision Curves
decisionSupport Quantitative Support of Decision Making under Uncertainty
decode Differential Co-Expression and Differential Expression Analysis
decoder Decode Coded Variables to Plain Text (and Vice Versa)
decompr Global-Value-Chain Decomposition
decon Deconvolution Estimation in Measurement Error Models
deconstructSigs Identifies Signatures Present in a Tumor Sample
Deducer A Data Analysis GUI for R
DeducerExtras Additional dialogs and functions for Deducer
DeducerPlugInExample Deducer Plug-in Example
DeducerPlugInScaling Reliability and factor analysis plugin
DeducerSpatial Deducer for spatial data analysis
DeducerSurvival Add Survival Dialogue to Deducer
DeducerText Deducer GUI for Text Data
deducorrect Deductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and Deterministic Correction
deductive Data Correction and Imputation Using Deductive Methods
deepboost Deep Boosting Ensemble Modeling
deeplearning An Implementation of Deep Neural Network for Regression and Classification
deepnet deep learning toolkit in R
DEEPR Dirichlet-multinomial Evolutionary Event Profile Randomization (DEEPR) test
deformula Integration of One-Dimensional Functions with Double Exponential Formulas
degenes Detection of differentially expressed genes
degreenet Models for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks
Delaporte Statistical Functions for the Delaporte Distribution
deldir Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
DeLorean Estimates Pseudotimes for Single Cell Expression Data
delt Estimation of Multivariate Densities Using Adaptive Partitions
deltaPlotR Identification of dichotomous differential item functioning (DIF) using Angoff's Delta Plot method
Demerelate Functions to Calculate Relatedness on Diploid Genetic Data
DEMEtics Evaluating the genetic differentiation between populations based on Gst and D values
demi Differential Expression from Multiple Indicators
deming Deming, Thiel-Sen and Passing-Bablock Regression
demography Forecasting mortality, fertility, migration and population data
demoKde Kernel Density Estimation for Demonstration Purposes
DEMOVA DEvelopment (of Multi-Linear QSPR/QSAR) MOdels VAlidated using Test Set
dendextend Extending R's Dendrogram Functionality
dendextendRcpp Faster Dendrogram Manipulation using 'Rcpp'
dendroextras Extra functions to cut, label and colour dendrogram clusters
dendrometeR Analyzing Dendrometer Data
DendSer Dendrogram seriation: ordering for visualisation
dendsort Modular Leaf Ordering Methods for Dendrogram Nodes
DengueRT Parameter Estimates and Real-Time Prediction of a Single Dengue Outbreak
denoiseR Regularized Low Rank Matrix Estimation
denovolyzeR Statistical Analyses of De Novo Genetic Variants
denpro Visualization of Multivariate Functions, Sets, and Data
densityClust Clustering by Fast Search and Find of Density Peaks
Density.T.HoldOut Density.T.HoldOut: Non-combinatorial T-estimation Hold-Out for density estimation
DensParcorr Dens-Based Method for Partial Correlation Estimation in Large Scale Brain Networks
densratio Density Ratio Estimation
denstrip Density strips and other methods for compactly illustrating distributions
DEoptim Global Optimization by Differential Evolution
DEoptimR Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R
depend.truncation Statistical Inference for Parametric and Semiparametric Models Based on Dependently Truncated Data
depmix Dependent Mixture Models
depmixS4 Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and Other Distributions in S4
depth Depth functions tools for multivariate analysis
depth.plot Multivariate Analogy of Quantiles
DepthProc Statistical Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis
depthTools Depth Tools Package
dequer An R 'Deque' Container
Deriv Symbolic Differentiation
derivmkts Functions and R Code to Accompany Derivatives Markets
desc Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files
descomponer Seasonal Adjustment by Frequency Analysis
descr Descriptive Statistics
DescribeDisplay An Interface to the DescribeDisplay GGobi Plugin
describer Describe Data in R Using Common Descriptive Statistics
DescTools Tools for Descriptive Statistics
deseasonalize Optimal deseasonalization for geophysical time series using AR fitting
designGG Computational tool for designing genetical genomics experiments
designGLMM Finding Optimal Block Designs for a Generalised Linear Mixed Model
designmatch Construction of Optimally Matched Samples for Randomized Experiments and Observational Studies that are Balanced by Design
desiR Desirability Functions for Ranking, Selecting, and Integrating Data
desirability Desirability Function Optimization and Ranking
desire Desirability functions in R
DESnowball Bagging with Distance-based Regression for Differential Gene Expression Analyses
deSolve Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations (ODE, DAE, DDE)
DESP Estimation of Diagonal Elements of Sparse Precision-Matrices
desplot Plotting Field Plans for Agricultural Experiments
detect Analyzing Wildlife Data with Detection Error
detector Detect Data Containing Personally Identifiable Information
deTestSet Testset for differential equations
DetMCD Implementation of the DetMCD Algorithm (Robust and Deterministic Estimation of Location and Scatter)
DetR Suite of Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for Linear Regression
detrendeR Start the detrendeR Graphical User Interface (GUI)
DetSel A computer program to detect markers responding to selection
detzrcr Compare Detrital Zircon Suites
devEMF EMF Graphics Output Device
Devore7 Data sets from Devore's "Prob and Stat for Eng (7th ed)"
devtools Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
df2json Convert a dataframe to JSON
dfcomb Phase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for Combination Studies
dfcrm Dose-finding by the continual reassessment method
dfexplore Explore data.frames by plotting NA and classes of each variable
DFIT Differential Functioning of Items and Tests
dfmta Phase I/II Adaptive Dose-Finding Design for MTA
dfoptim Derivative-Free Optimization
dga Capture-Recapture Estimation using Bayesian Model Averaging
dggridR Discrete Global Grids for R
dglars Differential Geometric LARS (dgLARS) method
dglm Double Generalized Linear Models
dgmb Simulating Data for PLS Mode B Structural Models
dgof Discrete Goodness-of-Fit Tests
dhglm Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
dHSIC Independence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion
diagonals Block Diagonal Extraction or Replacement
diagram Functions for visualising simple graphs (networks), plotting flow diagrams
DiagrammeR Create Graph Diagrams and Flowcharts Using R
DiagrammeRsvg Export DiagrammeR Graphviz Graphs as SVG
DiagTest3Grp Diagnostic test summary measures for three ordinal groups
DiallelAnalysisR Diallel Analysis with R
diaplt Beads Summary Plot of Ranges
dice Calculate probabilities of various dice-rolling events
DiceDesign Designs of Computer Experiments
DiceEval Construction and Evaluation of Metamodels
DiceKriging Kriging Methods for Computer Experiments
DiceOptim Kriging-Based Optimization for Computer Experiments
DiceView Plot methods for computer experiments design and surrogate
dichromat Color Schemes for Dichromats
dicionariosIBGE Dictionaries for reading microdata surveys from IBGE
DidacticBoost A Simple Implementation and Demonstration of Gradient Boosting
dielectric Defines some physical constants and dielectric functions commonly used in optics, plasmonics
diezeit R Interface to the ZEIT ONLINE Content API
DIFboost Detection of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques
DiffCorr Analyzing and Visualizing Differential Correlation Networks in Biological Data
diffdepprop Calculates Confidence Intervals for two Dependent Proportions
diffEq Functions from the book Solving Differential Equations in R
diffeR Metrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps
diffIRT Diffusion IRT Models for Response and Response Time Data
diffr Display Differences Between Two Files using Codediff Library
diffractometry Baseline identification and peak decomposition for x-ray diffractograms
diffusionMap Diffusion map
DiffusionRgqd Inference and Analysis for Generalized Quadratic Diffusions
DiffusionRimp Inference and Analysis for Diffusion Processes via Data Imputation and Method of Lines
DiffusionRjgqd Inference and Analysis for Jump Generalized Quadratic Diffusions
DIFlasso A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models
difNLR Detection of Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF) by Non-Linear Regression Function
difR Collection of Methods to Detect Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
DIFtree Item Focused Trees for the Identification of Items in Differential Item Functioning
digest Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects
Digiroo2 An application programming interface for generating null models of social contacts based on individuals' space use
digitalPCR Estimate Copy Number for Digital PCR
dils Data-Informed Link Strength. Combine multiple-relationship networks into a single weighted network. Impute (fill-in) missing network links
DIME DIME (Differential Identification using Mixture Ensemble)
dina Bayesian Estimation of DINA Model
dinamic DiNAMIC A Method To Analyze Recurrent DNA Copy Number Aberrations in Tumors
diptest Hartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected
DIRECT Bayesian Clustering of Multivariate Data Under the Dirichlet-Process Prior
Directional Directional Statistics
directlabels Direct Labels for Multicolor Plots
directPA Direction Analysis for Pathways and Kinases
DirichletReg Dirichlet Regression in R
dirmult Estimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution
Disake Discrete associated kernel estimators
discgolf Discourse 'API' Client
disclap Discrete Laplace Exponential Family
disclapmix Discrete Laplace Mixture Inference using the EM Algorithm
DiscML DiscML: An R package for estimating evolutionary rates of discrete characters using maximum likelihood
DiscreteInverseWeibull Discrete Inverse Weibull Distribution
DiscreteLaplace Discrete Laplace Distributions
discreteMTP Multiple testing procedures for discrete test statistics
discreteRV Create and Manipulate Discrete Random Variables
DiscreteWeibull Discrete Weibull Distributions (Type 1 and 3)
discretization Data preprocessing, discretization for classification
discrimARTs Discrimination of Alternative Reproductive Tactics (ARTs)
DiscriMiner Tools of the Trade for Discriminant Analysis
discSurv Discrete Time Survival Analysis
diseasemapping Modelling Spatial Variation in Disease Risk for Areal Data
DisimForMixed Calculate Dissimilarity Matrix for Dataset with Mixed Attributes
diskImageR A Pipeline to Analyze Resistance and Tolerance from Drug Disk Diffusion Assays
dismo Species Distribution Modeling
disp2D 2D Hausdorff and Simplex Dispersion Orderings
disparityfilter Disparity Filter Algorithm for Weighted Networks
displayHTS displayHTS
dispmod Dispersion models
disposables Create Disposable R Packages for Testing
dissUtils Utilities for making pairwise comparisons of multivariate data
Distance Distance Sampling Detection Function and Abundance Estimation
distance.sample.size Calculates Study Size Required for Distance Sampling
DistatisR DiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional Scaling
distcomp Computations over Distributed Data without Aggregation
distfree.cr Distribution-free confidence region (distfree.cr)
distillery Method Functions for Confidence Intervals and to Distill Information from an Object
distory Distance Between Phylogenetic Histories
distr Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions
distrDoc Documentation for 'distr' Family of R Packages
distrEllipse S4 classes for elliptically contoured distributions
distrEx Extensions of Package 'distr'
DistributionUtils Distribution Utilities
distrMod Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
distrom Distributed Multinomial Regression
distrRmetrics Distribution Classes for Distributions from Rmetrics
distrSim Simulation Classes Based on Package 'distr'
distrTeach Extensions of Package 'distr' for Teaching Stochastics/Statistics in Secondary School
distrTEst Estimation and Testing Classes Based on Package 'distr'
divagis Provides tools for quality checks of georeferenced plant species accessions
DivE Diversity Estimator
diveMove Dive Analysis and Calibration
diverse Diversity Measures for Complex Systems
diversitree Comparative Phylogenetic Analyses of Diversification
diveRsity A Comprehensive, General Purpose Population Genetics Analysis Package
DiversityOccupancy Building Diversity Models from Multiple Species Occupancy Models
DiversitySampler Functions for re-sampling a community matrix to compute diversity indices at different sampling levels
DivMelt HRM Diversity Assay Analysis Tool
divo Tools for Analysis of Diversity and Similarity in Biological Systems
dixon Nearest Neighbour Contingency Table Analysis
DJL Distance Measure Based Judgment and Learning
dkDNA Diffusion Kernels on a Set of Genotypes
dlm Bayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear Models
dlmap Detection Localization Mapping for QTL
dlmodeler Generalized Dynamic Linear Modeler
DLMtool Data-Limited Methods Toolkit
dlnm Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models
dlsem Distributed-Lag Structural Equation Modelling
dlstats Download Stats of R Packages
dma Dynamic Model Averaging
dml Distance Metric Learning in R
dmm Dyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree Data
dMod Dynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE Models
DMR Delete or Merge Regressors for linear model selection
dmt Dependency Modeling Toolkit
DMwR Functions and data for "Data Mining with R"
dna Differential Network Analysis
DNAprofiles DNA Profiling Evidence Analysis
DNAseqtest Generating and Testing DNA Sequences
DNAtools Tools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data
dnc Dynamic Network Clustering
DnE Distribution and Equation
dnet Integrative Analysis of Omics Data in Terms of Network, Evolution and Ontology
DNMF Discriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
DOBAD Analysis of Discretely Observed Linear Birth-and-Death(-and-Immigration) Markov Chains
doBy Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Contrasts, Utilities
docopt Command-Line Interface Specification Language
docopulae Optimal Designs for Copula Models
documair Automatic Documentation for R packages
docxtractr Extract Data Tables and Comments from Microsoft Word Documents
Dodge Functions for Acceptance Sampling Ideas originated by H.F. Dodge
DODR Detection of Differential Rhythmicity
DoE.base Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages
DoE.wrapper Wrapper package for design of experiments functionality
doFuture Foreach Parallel Adaptor using the Future API of the 'future' Package
doMC Foreach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel'
Dominance ADI (Average Dominance Index), Social Network Graphs with Dual Directions, and Music Notation Graph
domino R Console Bindings for the 'Domino Command-Line Client'
doMPI Foreach parallel adaptor for the Rmpi package
doParallel Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package
doRedis Foreach parallel adapter for the rredis package
doRNG Generic Reproducible Parallel Backend for foreach Loops
DoseFinding Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments
doSNOW Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'snow' Package
dosresmeta Performing Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dostats Compute Statistics Helper Functions
DOT Render and Export DOT Graphs in R
DoTC Distribution of Typicality Coefficients
dotenv Load Environment Variables from '.env'
dotwhisker Dot-and-Whisker Plots of Regression Results
DoubleCone Test against parametric regression function
DoubleExpSeq Differential Exon Usage Test for RNA-Seq Data via Empirical Bayes Shrinkage of the Dispersion Parameter
DOvalidation Local Linear Hazard Estimation with Do-Validated and Cross-Validated Bandwidths
Dowd Functions Ported from 'MMR2' Toolbox Offered in Kevin Dowd's Book Measuring Market Risk
downloader Download Files over HTTP and HTTPS
downscale Downscaling Species Occupancy
dpa Dynamic Path Approach
dpcR Digital PCR Analysis
dpglasso Primal Graphical Lasso
dplR Dendrochronology Program Library in R
dplRCon Concordance for Dendroclimatology
dplyr A Grammar of Data Manipulation
dpmixsim Dirichlet Process Mixture model simulation for clustering and image segmentation
dpmr Data Package Manager for R
DPpackage Bayesian nonparametric modeling in R
dprep Data Pre-Processing and Visualization Functions for Classification
dr Methods for Dimension Reduction for Regression
drat Drat R Archive Template
drawExpression Visualising R syntax through graphics
DRaWR Discriminative Random Walk with Restart
DrBats Data Representation: Bayesian Approach That's Sparse
drc Analysis of Dose-Response Curves
DREGAR Regularized Estimation of Dynamic Linear Regression in the Presence of Autocorrelated Residuals (DREGAR)
drfit Dose-Response Data Evaluation
drgee Doubly Robust Generalized Estimating Equations
DrillR R Driver for Apache Drill
DRIP Discontinuous Regression and Image Processing
drLumi Multiplex Immunoassays Data Analysis
drm Regression and association models for repeated categorical data
drmdel Dual Empirical Likelihood Inference under Density Ratio Models in the Presence of Multiple Samples
dropR Analyze Drop Out of an Experiment or Survey
drsmooth Dose-Response Modeling with Smoothing Splines
DrugClust Implementation of a Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Drugs Side Effects
ds Descriptive Statistics
dsample Discretization-Based Direct Random Sample Generation
DSBayes Bayesian subgroup analysis in clinical trials
dse Dynamic Systems Estimation (Time Series Package)
DSL Distributed Storage and List
dslice Dynamic Slicing
dsm Density Surface Modelling of Distance Sampling Data
DSpat Spatial Modelling for Distance Sampling Data
DSsim Distance Sampling Simulations
dst Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
DStree Recursive Partitioning for Discrete-Time Survival Trees
DSviaDRM Exploring Disease Similarity in Terms of Dysfunctional Regulatory Mechanisms
DT A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
dtables Simplifying Descriptive Frequencies and Statistics
DTComPair Comparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study Design
DTDA Doubly truncated data analysis
dti Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) Data
DTK Dunnett-Tukey-Kramer Pairwise Multiple Comparison Test Adjusted for Unequal Variances and Unequal Sample Sizes
DTMCPack Suite of functions related to discrete-time discrete-state Markov Chains
dtplyr Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
DTR Estimation and Comparison of Dynamic Treatment Regimes
DTRlearn Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Treatment Regimes
DTRreg DTR Estimation and Inference via G-Estimation, Dynamic WOLS, and Q-Learning
dtt Discrete Trigonometric Transforms
dtw Dynamic Time Warping Algorithms
dtwclust Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for the Dynamic Time Warping Distance
dtwSat Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for Satellite Image Time Series Analysis
dualScale Dual Scaling Analysis of Multiple Choice Data
dummies Create dummy/indicator variables flexibly and efficiently
dummy Automatic Creation of Dummies with Support for Predictive Modeling
DunnettTests Software implementation of step-down and step-up Dunnett test procedures
dunn.test Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums
dupiR Bayesian inference from count data using discrete uniform priors
dvfBm Discrete variations of a fractional Brownian motion
DVHmetrics Analyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check Constraints
dvn Access to Dataverse 3 APIs
DWreg Parametric Regression for Discrete Response
dygraphs Interface to 'Dygraphs' Interactive Time Series Charting Library
DYM Did You Mean?
dyn Time Series Regression
DynamicDistribution Dynamically visualized probability distributions and their moments
dynamicGraph dynamicGraph
dynamicTreeCut Methods for Detection of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering Dendrograms
dynatopmodel Implementation of the Dynamic TOPMODEL Hydrological Model
dynaTree Dynamic Trees for Learning and Design
dynBiplotGUI Full Interactive GUI for Dynamic Biplot in R
DynClust Denoising and clustering for dynamical image sequence (2D or 3D)+T
dynCorr Dynamic Correlation Package
dynia Fit Dynamic Intervention Model
dynlm Dynamic Linear Regression
DynNom Dynamic Nomograms for Linear, Generalized Linear and Proportional Hazard Models
dynpred Companion Package to "Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis"
dynr Dynamic Modeling in R
dynRB Dynamic Range Boxes
dynsim Dynamic Simulations of Autoregressive Relationships
dynsurv Dynamic Models for Survival Data
DynTxRegime Methods for Estimating Dynamic Treatment Regimes
DySeq Functions for Dyadic Sequence Analyses