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Markdown Syntax

Character Formatting

Strong: Surround text with two asterisks (**) or two underscore characters (__).

Emphasis: Surround text with single asterisks (*)or underscore characters (_).

Strikethrough: Surround text with two tildes (~~).

Code: Surround text with single backquotes (`).

Combinations: Surround text with single underscore characters or two tildes inside two asterisks. Surround text with three asterisks to apply strong emphasis.


To apply a heading style, start the line with one to six number signs #. Follow the number signs with a space character and enter the heading text. The number of # signs determines the heading level.

Hub also supports an alternative syntax for heading levels 1 and 2:

  1. For heading level 1, enter one or more = characters on the following line.
  2. For heading level 2, enter one or more - characters on the following line.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Heading 1 - Alternative Syntax

Heading 2 - Alternative Syntax

Paragraphs and Line Breaks

Contiguous lines of text belong to the same paragraph. Use the following guidelines to structure your content into paragraphs and enter line breaks.

To start a new paragraph, leave a blank line between lines of text.

To start a new line inside a paragraph, enter two trailing spaces at the end of the line of text.

Thematic Breaks

Create sections in your content with horizontal lines. Use any of the following methods to add a horizontal line:

Block Quotes

Use block quotes to call special attention to a quote from another source. You can apply character formatting to inline text inside the quoted block.

To set text as a quote block, start the line with one or more > characters. Follow these characters with a space and enter the quoted text. The number of > signs determines the level of nesting inside the quote block.

If your quote spans multiple paragraphs, each blank line must start with the > character. This ensures that the entire quote block is grouped together.


Use the following syntax to create lists:


Tables are a great tool for adding structure to your content. Use the following syntax to create tables:

Note that the columns don't have to line up perfectly in the raw Markdown. You can also add character formatting to text inside the table.


Wrap link text with brackets [ ] followed by the URL in parentheses ( ).

[inline link](https://www.link.com)


The syntax for images is similar to the syntax for links. To insert an inline image:

![logo](https://file.com/image.png "Text")

Backslash Escapes

When you have characters that are parsed as Markdown that you want to show as written, you can escape the character with the backslash (\).

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